Monday, 20 August 2018

Zap That Hair: Benefits of IPL for Facial Hair

If you have exces­sive or unwanted facial hair that you can’t tol­er­ate and just want to remove as soon as pos­si­ble, then IPL (intense pulsed light) treat­ment is your best option. Intense pulsed light is a method that has been employed by med­ical pro­fes­sion­als and beauty stu­dios alike. It relies on using pre­cise wave­lengths of light in order to reach dif­fer­ent chro­mophores in the skin. Here are four ben­e­fits of using intense pulsed light to zap your facial hair.
IPL face treatment blog pic

Effi­cient Use of Light Where It Needs to Go

IPL’s broad-spectrum and intensely cen­tered light gets at the sur­face of the skin via either an artic­u­lated arm or a hand­held wand. This light then moves through your skin until it makes con­tact with the hair shafts or the root/bulb of the hair. This root or bulb is where the major­ity of melanin is found, in com­par­i­son with the rest of the hair shaft. The root/bulb and almost all of the shaft are then vapor­ized as the light gets con­verted into heat energy.

Direct Tar­get­ing of Papilla

A papilla is an anatom­i­cal struc­ture that resem­bles a nip­ple, and it is where hair is pro­duced. The high heat gen­er­ated by IPL treat­ment destroys these papil­lae. In addi­tion, straight­for­ward light-heat trans­for­ma­tion hap­pens within any darker-colored cap­il­lar­ies that send nec­es­sary blood ves­sels to the hair fol­li­cles. This pre­cise tar­get­ing works to destroy unwanted facial hair with greater effec­tive­ness than other treatments.

Bet­ter Deal Than Other Treatments

IPL treat­ment is also a bet­ter deal than other treat­ments that promise to do the same thing. For exam­ple, Alexan­drite laser treat­ment to remove unwanted facial hair is also an option, yet it is much more expen­sive than IPL treat­ment. You will spend approx­i­mately 50 per­cent less money on IPL treat­ments than you would on other types of laser treat­ment. You are a lot bet­ter off going with IPL, sav­ing money and then still zap­ping away any unwanted facial hair. There is really no need to spend extra money on fancier treat­ments when IPL will do just fine.

Rea­son­able Num­ber of Treat­ments Required

Don’t think that the IPL tech­nique guar­an­tees that your unwanted facial hair will dis­ap­pear in just one or two ses­sions or imme­di­ately. The process of IPL facial hair removal is one that involves repeated office vis­its, whether to your doctor’s office or a beauty stu­dio. How­ever, the over­all num­ber of repeat fol­low up vis­its is rea­son­able, usu­ally involv­ing between 8 and 10 over a period of time for com­plete facial hair removal.
Many peo­ple under­stand­ably have prob­lems with facial hair, espe­cially women. It can be seen as unat­trac­tive, and peo­ple spend a lot of time and effort in deal­ing with how to get rid of it. For­tu­nately, IPL treat­ment is avail­able to pro­vide a rem­edy and peace of mind to any­body with unwanted facial hair. Cheaper and requir­ing less down­time than other laser treat­ments, IPL is a tech­nol­ogy that attacks the prob­lem right at the root of the hair, mak­ing sure that unwanted facial hair becomes a thing of the past.

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