Monday, 20 August 2018

How often is it safe to use IPL treatment?

If you are look­ing for an alter­na­tive to shav­ing, wax­ing or laser hair removal, then IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) could be the ideal choice.
You are how­ever likely to have ques­tions regard­ing the safety of the treat­ment. In par­tic­u­lar, you should research how safe it is to use IPL.
To help you, we take a closer look.
Hair removal

How often should I use IPL?

When you first start the treat­ment you should have sched­uled ses­sions every two weeks. This is the case for the first three or four times you use the hair removal device.
After this ini­tial period you should undergo treat­ment ses­sions when you notice hair start­ing to grow back, to main­tain the desired results.

What if I use IPL more often?

Although you might expect bet­ter or quicker results if you use the hair removal treat­ment more reg­u­larly, this is not the case.
If any­thing, using the device more than is rec­om­mended on the same area can result in an increased risk of skin irri­ta­tions includ­ing red­ness, bumps and itchiness.
But I used IPL a week ago and my hair is still grow­ing, why?
If this hap­pens it is best to wait and see if the hair then falls out after a two week period since the last treat­ment. This is because a process called ejec­tion can mean it takes some hairs this time to fall out.
This time delay may also be a result of some hair not being affected by the pre­vi­ous treat­ment, which is why mul­ti­ple ses­sions are needed.
To learn more about the VISS IPL hair removal sys­tem, go here.

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