If you’ve been thinking about IPL hair removal, the fall and winter months could be the best time to start your treatment. Read on to see why and get some more tips on the best time for IPLtreatment.
If you have waxed, tweezed or threaded, it’s best wait around 3 weeks before starting your IPLtreatment. If you have used a hair removal or depilatory cream, we recommend waiting around a week before starting IPL. If you have been shaving the area with a razor, you can start your IPLtreatment right away and we advise using this method of hair removal in between your IPLsessions.
We would also recommend you avoid bleaching the hairs before and in between sessions as the darker your hair colour is compared to your skin tone, the more effective the treatment will be!
Find out more about what to expect from an IPL hair removal treatment in our guide to the VissIPL system here.
Why start your IPL treatment in fall or winter?
IPL hair removal treatment works best on light skin with dark hair. During fall and winter it’s a lot easier to keep out of the sun and prevent your skin from tanning, compared to the summer months. If you can’t avoid being exposed to some sun before your IPL session, it’s worth investing in a good sunblock to protect your skin and ensure the effectiveness of your IPL treatment.What hair removal methods did you use before?
The method of hair removal that you have used in the past can have an effect on when you should start your IPL treatment. The cycle of your hair growth plays an important part of the IPLprocess and the treatment doesn’t work in cases where the hair has been removed from the root, for example by waxing, using tweezers or threading.If you have waxed, tweezed or threaded, it’s best wait around 3 weeks before starting your IPLtreatment. If you have used a hair removal or depilatory cream, we recommend waiting around a week before starting IPL. If you have been shaving the area with a razor, you can start your IPLtreatment right away and we advise using this method of hair removal in between your IPLsessions.
We would also recommend you avoid bleaching the hairs before and in between sessions as the darker your hair colour is compared to your skin tone, the more effective the treatment will be!
Can you have IPL treatment when on your period?
It’s safe to have IPL treatment when you are on your period, although some women avoid it during this time of the month because your pain threshold can be slightly higher during and just before the start of your period.Find out more about what to expect from an IPL hair removal treatment in our guide to the VissIPL system here.
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