Many companies are starting to acknowledge that hair removal is not only crucial for people’s self-esteem, but also something that many of us would rather do it in private. Home hair removal systems are getting more sophisticated and easier to use as the demand increases. Of course, we could all use a little help to get started to ensure that the process is as quick and as painless as possible.

As a culture, we have pretty rigid standards when it comes to excess hair. Whatever the reason, hair is less acceptable now than it ever was before. However, there are ways to deal with unwanted hair in the privacy of your own home.

Choose Your Weapon
Obviously, shaving is the easiest way to remove unwanted hair at home. However, the results only last a short while. If you want longer lasting results, depilatory creams are an excellent choice. If you’ve got very resistant hair, you may find that the creams are inferior to wax in terms of going ‘completely bare’. Wax certainly does require some expertise, but the results are amazing. You’ll be hair free and smooth for at least three weeks, and because you are ripping out the hair by the root, the growth rate slows down over time.Preemptive Pain Measures are Essential
If you are a woman, don’t wax or pluck in the days before or during your period. Your pain tolerance is naturally lower and you’ll find the skin is not only tender longer, but the experience is also much more uncomfortable. Before you attempt to wax or even pluck areas that you know are going to cause some pain, take an Advil about an hour prior. You may even want to consider numbing the area with an ice cube.Preparation is the Best Prevention
Ensure you have absolutely everything you need within grabbing distance before getting started. Not only is wax or cream exceptionally hard to remove, but if these products are left on the skin for too long they can either burn or harden. It’s a time sensitive process; eliminate the possibility of any damage to your body or home by having everything you need before you begin.Give Your Parts Time to Recover
The way you care for your newly bare parts is crucial. The hair-free skin you’ve exposed is raw from the removal, or sensitized from the chemicals you’ve used so you need to pamper it. Don’t scrub the area, don’t use any retinoids or AHAS, and don’t use any exfoliating products for a day after the procedure, as you’ll irritate the skin even more.Show Them No Mercy
If you forget to care for the waxed area, you will experience the joys of multiple ingrown hairs. What’s more, these plugged follicles can become infected and warrant a trip to the doctor. The solution is to start exfoliating daily in shower about two days post removal. Not only will your body stay smooth, but the follicles will remain unblocked, allowing your new growth to come in properly.As a culture, we have pretty rigid standards when it comes to excess hair. Whatever the reason, hair is less acceptable now than it ever was before. However, there are ways to deal with unwanted hair in the privacy of your own home.
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