Monday, 20 August 2018

Anti-Aging and Ion Treatments: Rewinding the Clock

Just because aging is inevitable, it doesn’t make it any eas­ier to take. You can blame it on as many things as you want — sleep creases, dehy­dra­tion, bad light­ing. You can slather as many expen­sive creams on them as you can afford. The fact is, when you start to get lines and wrin­kles, noth­ing you put on the sur­face of your skin will make them go away entirely. If you want to see real, mea­sur­able results you need to ‘up your game’ and start con­sid­er­ing med­ical esthetics.
Anti-aging woman blog pic

It’s Time to Rethink Plas­tic Surgery

If you’re like most peo­ple, when you think of med­ical esthet­ics the first things that come to mind are price and pain closely fol­lowed by images of bad plas­tic surgery. This may have been the case decades ago, but beauty tech­nol­ogy has advanced since then. Now, anti aging treat­ments can be not only extremely effec­tive, but pain­less and afford­able as well.

No Pain and Max­i­mum Gain

Ion treat­ments or ion­tophore­sis are swiftly becom­ing one of the ‘go to’ anti-aging pro­ce­dures for men and women world­wide. There is no down­time, and the patient sees results almost imme­di­ately. No won­der their pop­u­lar­ity is increas­ing at such a rapid rate. Using a pos­i­tive charged gal­vanic cur­rent, the ion treat­ment machine effec­tively pushes the mol­e­cules of your cho­sen treat­ment through your epi­der­mis and into the inner lay­ers of your skin where it can do its work prop­erly. Stud­ies have shown that this results in your skin using 50% of the treat­ment rather than the mea­ger 1% that is absorbed when creams or serums are applied by hand. The tech­nol­ogy is so effec­tive in fact, that it has been used to admin­is­ter med­ica­tion through the skin for years. No empty promises here!

Youth From Within

The ultra­sound waves that help to push the mol­e­cules into your der­mis have addi­tional ben­e­fits to your skin as well. Your blood cir­cu­la­tion auto­mat­i­cally increases thanks to the over 40,000 vibra­tion waves per sec­ond, flood­ing your cells with oxy­gen and thereby boost­ing your col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. Your skin will become firmer, fine lines will decrease and it will take on a healthy, rosy glow that is imme­di­ately appar­ent. There is also the added ben­e­fit of antiox­i­dant pro­tec­tion to con­sider as well. Beyond the ‘sur­face’ con­cerns of beauty, hav­ing vit­a­mins as pow­er­ful as vit­a­min C or E pushed deep into your skin cells means increased pro­tec­tion against the for­ma­tion of malig­nant cells as well. Anti aging and can­cer pre­ven­tion? Now that’s a potent com­bi­na­tion indeed.
You may have sworn to never have any kind of med­ical inter­ven­tion when it comes to pre­vent­ing aging. There are plenty of celebri­ties who make excel­lent exam­ples of how a few nips, tucks and injec­tions can go ter­ri­bly wrong. How­ever, due to the sophis­ti­ca­tion of new tech­niques it may be time to start rethink­ing your stance. Sci­ence is mak­ing it pos­si­ble to truly turn back the clock, while still look­ing entirely like your­self — no swollen lips, no pinched nose, no emo­tion­less brow. Ion treat­ments are prov­ing to be a ver­i­ta­ble foun­tain of youth.
For more infor­ma­tion on our range of home anti-aging treat­ments, please visit our website.

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