Monday, 20 August 2018

Is IPL Hair Removal System Harmful to Skin?

The premonitions people hold are quite understandable.
After all, the bitter experiences with different devices aren’t much to fathom.
In fact, people may even quit looking for solutions after their experiences.
However, casting a shadow on all such innovative devices from beauty companies would be inappropriate. In some cases, it was discovered that people didn’t follow the instructions while using the hair removal devices. Also, a few cases suggested that candidates experienced some discomfort when they applied the hair removal devices.
Evidently, it’s not the trivialization of the issue in hand, but the revelation of the facts, the same facts that matter to a customer, who precisely looks for an ideal device.
VISS Beauty has produced a variety of at-home beauty devices that are not only popular but effective to the core. Now, if you buy a professional IPL hair removal system from the brand, you can witness the changes in your body, following the instruction manual properly.
VISS brings an innovative hair removal solution in the device with a new technology in the “VISS IPL Lamp” that helps in removing hair without causing any potential discomfort. The cartridge-based system has a doubled lifespan as compared to the older devices.
Precisely, on applying the system, the large treatment area gets rid of the hair quickly. Comparatively, the other home IPL products have been quite a disappointment for the users.
At VISS Beauty online shop, you can explore a variety of home-based beauty devices, which includes the radio frequency facial machine, IPL hair removal system, anti-wrinkle device and more.

Breaking Out? How Intense Pulsed Light Treatments Can Help Your Complexion

Strug­gling with acne and break­outs is a sig­nif­i­cant beauty con­cern for many peo­ple. Unlike some other beauty issues, acne is often hard to hide and can be extremely hard to get rid of; some­times peo­ple suf­fer for years or even decades. Many rec­om­men­da­tions are made to peo­ple with acne, and often­times these rec­om­men­da­tions con­flict. Suf­fer­ers will be told to wash their face with plain soap, or to use pre­scrip­tion soap; to use a par­tic­u­lar cream, or not to use a par­tic­u­lar cream. Some­times heavy med­ica­tion will be admin­is­tered to some­one with acne, but med­ica­tion that can cause other seri­ous side effects and won’t nec­es­sar­ily get rid of it.
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There is, how­ever, one treat­ment that has shown promis­ing results, has very few side effects, and can offer new hope to acne suf­fer­ers. The answer is the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) acne treatment.

Three Light Approach

Intense Pulsed Light is an effec­tive method to curb acne because it does sev­eral things for the skin at once. Firstly, the sys­tem actu­ally releases three dif­fer­ent kinds of light dur­ing the treat­ment. The yel­low and green lights that are released dur­ing an Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment serve to kill bac­te­ria on the skin. The bac­te­ria on the skin are a huge rea­son for acne for many peo­ple, so by tar­get­ing these bac­te­ria, acne is less likely to thrive on the face.
After the bac­te­ria are killed, the red light in the sequence tar­gets the seba­ceous glands in the skin that, when over­ac­tive, cause break­outs. As these glands shrink, the pus­tules that they are con­nected to clear. This can be noticed by an over­all improve­ment in the skin of the per­son affected with acne.

Safe and Straightforward

The Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment is proven to be a safe method to erad­i­cate acne and help the skin heal from acne break­outs. Because no hor­mones or antibi­otics are ingested, it is a safe method of fight­ing acne. Many have turned to Intense Pulsed Light ther­apy as a com­fort­able and healthy way to fight acne. By using the Intense Pulsed Light method, acne suf­fer­ers no longer have to debate which soap to use, or have to ques­tion whether a cer­tain cream is work­ing or not. They can rest easy know­ing that as they con­tinue with IPL treat­ments, they will be able to notice a dif­fer­ence in their acne.
Though the fight against acne can often seem hope­less at times, it is impor­tant to remem­ber that it cer­tainly is not a lost cause. Many new tech­nolo­gies, such as Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment, rep­re­sent effec­tive and fairly low risk ways to over­come acne. These new tech­nolo­gies, while not avail­able thirty or forty years ago, are rather com­mon­place now and are ver­i­fied and effec­tive ways to achieve clear skin. If you are suf­fer­ing with acne, there is no need for you to con­tinue on that path. It is pos­si­ble to over­come nasty break­outs and patches of acne through con­sis­tently try­ing meth­ods until you find the one that works per­fect for your skin.

VISS RF - Anti aging device review by Deanna Rashell

Anti Wrinkle Device – The Rise of Anti-aging Home-based Anti-aging Treatments


Anti Wrinkle Device – The Rise of Anti-aging Home-based Anti-aging Treatments

Yes, that’s true.
With the advent of technology, the innovations of anti-aging therapies and treatments have advanced and people are in love with them.
As a matter of fact, people have reduced their visits to the dermatologists for their advice or treatments due to the expensive charges and invasive procedures.
At this point of time, seeking a galvanic facial device online is no big deal. And why not! It helps the home-based treatment; it is simple to operate and doesn’t cost much.
Discussions about the effectiveness of these devices
A few have challenged the effectiveness of the skin tightening and anti wrinkle device, which is quite evident due to misinformation.
When people start aging, the collagen production slows down and the skin isn’t as healthy as it used to be. The machines invigorate those elements that are necessary for improving the skin health.
The anti wrinkle device helps in penetrating the serum or cream to the dermis using ion microcurrents, which in turn, moisturizes the skin and eliminates the dullness prevailing in the skin. Basically, a machine with a strong vibration function enables a deep massage, which further helps in penetration of beauty cream/serum products through the skin.
It’s not a one-day affair, so one mustn’t expect it to do wonders in a day. After all, the biological processes take time for improvement.
For buying these products, the customers should search top-ranking online websites. Websites like offer a phenomenal range of RF skin tightening and beauty products online at discounted rates.

Getting Rid of Pain: How Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal Is More Comfortable

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments can take the pain out of hair removal. While this is great, they can also offer per­ma­nent results, and they can be the solu­tion for peo­ple who are look­ing for a com­fort­able and eco­nom­i­cal way to remove their hair from home.
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It’s Done in a Com­fort­able Home Environment

For a lot of peo­ple, going to a salon to have their bikini-line hair removed is not the most com­fort­able expe­ri­ence. Firstly, there is the need for a per­son to leave home and make the com­mute to the appoint­ment: rain or shine, traf­fic or not. Addi­tion­ally, the hair removal expe­ri­ence itself can be daunt­ing: sit­ting or lying in an uncom­fort­able posi­tion while a stranger removes unwanted hair from some of the most pri­vate and sen­si­tive areas of the body? No, thank you!
To top it off, this is an expe­ri­ence that peo­ple pay big bucks to receive. Intense Pulsed Light, on the other hand, is designed to be accom­plished in the com­forts of a home envi­ron­ment. Strangers need not attend this party. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treat­ments can be done on the sofa, on the bed, or in any room in the house, (but it’s not a good idea to do it in the shower, of course). The com­fort level can there­fore be con­trolled by the indi­vid­ual, and no per­sonal bound­aries need to be crossed.

There Are No Wax Strips to Rip Off and No Shav­ing Cuts to Endure

Wax­ing can be accom­plished at home or at a salon, but the same thing is true in both sit­u­a­tions — it’s uncom­fort­able to have hair ripped out of sen­si­tive skin. Peo­ple tend to become accus­tomed to the painful pro­ce­dure of wax­ing at some time or another, although pain is not some­thing peo­ple need to go through any longer with the avail­abil­ity of at-home Intense Pulsed Light treatments.
Shav­ing can also be dam­ag­ing to the skin’s appear­ance because of the poten­tial of nicks, cuts, and long-lasting scars from shav­ing gone wrong. Even pro­fes­sional bar­bers can slip up when they’re shav­ing, and it’s no fun when that hap­pens. With Intense Pulsed Light, peo­ple no longer need to be con­cerned with the thought of nick­ing or acci­den­tally cut­ting the skin wide open.

Pock­et­book Pain: The Expen­di­ture Might not be Worth it

It’s expen­sive to go to the salon for hair removal. The cost of com­mut­ing, the cost of the pro­ce­dure, and the cost of the gra­tu­ities can really add up. Wax­ing and shav­ing at home saves a per­son some money ini­tially, but the cost of razors, replace­ment car­tridges, shav­ing creams, wax strips, and after­shave sup­plies tal­lies up to be a for­tune in the long run. With Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments at home, the hair removal is per­ma­nent. There is the ini­tial cost of pur­chas­ing a high qual­ity at-home machine, and then that’s it. There is no need to con­tin­u­ally add “shav­ing cream” to a shop­ping list or con­stantly be run­ning out of the home for new razors.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are designed to be more com­fort­able than the tra­di­tional modes of hair removal, and they’re meant to be pain­less. Weigh out the costs to see that the per­ma­nent results offered by IPL treat­ments are well worth the ini­tial cost.

Radio Frequency For Skin – Isn’t It For Radio?

It is, but it can be used for much beyond than that.
Yes, the radio frequency treatment just got popular among women due to several reasons.
First, it’s a non-surgical treatment, which means it carries less risk.
Second, it’s not painful.
Coming on to understand the technical part, you can know that the radio frequencies work on the skin’s primary layers and the wavelength helps in skin tightening. Unlike the invasive techniques, the RF skin tightening machine doesn’t burn the outer skin layer nor does any damage to it. It only improves the skin, so that it accepts key elements for its nourishment, which was slowed down earlier due to aging.

Those who think that the radio frequencies can tighten the skin in a day or a couple of days – Remember, it’s not a quick-fix solution and would take considerable time. Not just that, you will also require a reliable machine for that.
To be honest, some people haven’t been that “honest” while selling the radio frequency facial machine to the public. Quite the same can happen to you, if you’re not cautious while buying this equipment. Never trust advertisements unless they have something extraordinary to tell.
Do your research about radio frequency devices because there are many available for different kinds of treatments. Shopping online has maximum advantages for you. Once you see the top results in the Google, just stop by at every website to check their product specifications, details and verify other checkpoints like terms and conditions, policies, etc. Discounts are also available online!

Saving Money: How Home Hair Removal Can Help Avoid Costly Salons

Salon ser­vices such as wax­ing and other forms of hair removal are expen­sive, and they don’t nec­es­sar­ily ensure long-lasting or per­ma­nent results. There is more to con­sider than just the cost of a sin­gle salon visit when con­tem­plat­ing the cost-effectiveness of pur­chas­ing an Intense Pulsed Light machine. The small costs of going to a salon add up, and below is an inves­ti­ga­tion into how some­one can truly save money by using Intense Pulsed Light machines for their home hair removal.
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Intense Pulsed Light Offers Per­ma­nent Results

Avoid costly upkeep of unwanted hair by using the Intense Pulsed Light machine at home. The results found with a per­sonal machine are of equal and some­times bet­ter qual­ity than that of a salon. This is because Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment effec­tively dis­ables new hair growth, whereas wax­ing and shav­ing (even if done pro­fes­sion­ally) will still allow the hair to grow back. In addi­tion, with hav­ing a machine at home, there is less of a chance that a hair-removal appoint­ment will be missed.
Peo­ple can save thou­sands upon thou­sands of dol­lars, over time, by choos­ing to skip the salon. Peo­ple pay for things like wax­ing, which do not have last­ing results, and end up going back to the salon within days of their first appoint­ment. By using at-home tech­nolo­gies like Intense Pulsed Light machines, money and time can be saved for other things. At-home Intense Pulsed Light machines are designed to be safe to use at home, but they are made to do the job of larger and more expen­sive machines, which are some­times used in clin­i­cal set­tings and spas.

It Can All Add Up

Going to a salon can cost more than expected. Clients not only pay for the ser­vices, they also pay for com­mut­ing costs, food and bev­er­ages while away from the home, and gra­tu­itous tips to the salon pro­fes­sional. When con­sid­er­ing all of the expenses and extra costs asso­ci­ated with going a spa, it only makes sense to get the job done at home, and for less money and for a more pri­vate expe­ri­ence. What about creams and mois­tur­iz­ers, essen­tial oils and wax­ing strips? All of these things have a price to them, and the results don’t always add up to the costs.

Intense Pulsed Light Lamps Last a Long Time

Intense Pulsed Light lamps have a long-lasting lifes­pan; the lamps offer an esti­mated 4000 flashes. 4000 flashes can make it pos­si­ble to remove hair from the entire body before need­ing a replace­ment lamp. That’s a lot of flashes! Com­pare the cost of a replace­ment lamp to the costs asso­ci­ated with head­ing to the salon every month or more, and it will be obvi­ous to see how much cheaper it would be to have an Intense Pulsed Light machine avail­able for at-home use.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are not for every­one, but they are suit­able for many skin types. For some­one look­ing to save money on their hair removal, and for some­one who wants per­ma­nent results, the light tech­nol­ogy is worth the dis­cov­ery process.

Time and IPL: How Often and How Long Treatments Should Be Used

In a cul­ture that seems to demand some sort of invest­ment at every turn, it’s easy to put per­sonal things on the back­burner in attempt to save a lit­tle money. How­ever, when your self-confidence and per­sonal image is at stake, you may find your­self lean­ing towards mak­ing that invest­ment rather than strug­gling with low self-esteem. Your skin says a lot about you and if age spots, bro­ken blood ves­sels, lack of tone, or even Rosacea bother you, there’s a good chance you already know what a dif­fer­ence being proud of your skin makes.
If you are are con­sid­er­ing Intense Pulsed Light ther­apy (IPL), you are prob­a­bly won­der­ing how much time and money you’ll have to com­mit before see­ing any results.
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Can You Trust Your Skin to IPL Therapy?

IPL has been proven to be effec­tive for over 90 per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion. Orig­i­nally used to con­trol hair growth, over the years it has been shown to be incred­i­bly effec­tive as an anti-aging, anti-acne and even anti-Rosacea treat­ment. There is no down­time and no harm­ful chem­i­cal side effects. It is a vir­tu­ally risk-free experience.

Youth­ful Skin is Closer than You Think

Unlike other more dam­ag­ing pro­ce­dures, IPL takes a few ses­sions in order to see results. The amount of time you’ll need to com­mit is largely depen­dent on what you are try­ing to accom­plish, along with the con­di­tion of your skin and how your body responds to the procedure.
Those look­ing to retex­ture their skin and expe­ri­ence the lift­ing that occurs when the cells are stim­u­lated to pro­duce more col­la­gen can expect to com­mit to 2 to 4 ses­sions spread over 4 to 6 weeks. Those who are look­ing to remove bro­ken cap­il­lar­ies or brown spots will see results after 2 to 8 ses­sions every 2 to 6 weeks. Finally, those who strug­gle with Rosacea and acne will find relief after roughly 2 to 6 ses­sions every 1 to 3 weeks. When you con­sider the dra­matic dif­fer­ence that IPL can make, the time frame for improve­ment is quite impressive.

Does IPL Hurt?

Each ses­sion begins with the licensed clin­i­cian apply­ing a sooth­ing gel that helps to numb the skin before the light is applied. Although it’s a rel­a­tively pain­less pro­ce­dure, those with sen­si­tive skin or peo­ple being treated for Rosacea may expe­ri­ence a burn­ing sen­sa­tion or a ‘snap­ping’ feel­ing that has been described as sim­i­lar to the flick of an elas­tic band. The ses­sion lasts for approx­i­mately thirty min­utes to an hour depend­ing on the area that is being treated. If you have time con­straints, you can eas­ily speed up the process by being sure that you arrive with no makeup of any kind and a clean, moisturizer-free face.
A quick online search for before and after shots of peo­ple who have used IPL ther­apy should be enough to con­vince even the most fru­gal among us. Freck­les are gone, wrin­kles are reduced, Rosacea is under con­trol, and best of all, indi­vid­u­als look ten years younger and incred­i­bly happy. Beauty may be only skin deep, but self-confidence goes much, much deeper.

Troubling Wrinkles: Red Light Therapy or Surgical Treatment

Some of the distressing signs of aging – wrinkles.
Let’s admit it that women get more affected from wrinkles than men do. Not to sound impartial to men, but they “quite” adjusting it. However, it affects women deeply, in such a manner that other signs of distress would easily show up in their health.
The common conundrum that everyone faces later – choosing between surgical or non-surgical treatment.
Logically, a surgical alternative may seem an absolute solution, but technically it’s wrong.
It carries huge risk with it, such as scarring, anesthesia complications, and infection and so on.
Troubling Wrinkles: Red Light Therapy or Surgical Treatment
On the other hand, an alternative like red light therapy for wrinkles became popular among non-surgical treatments.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy
 Very few people know that the collagen production in the skin slows down due to age. Moreover, the skin isn’t able to keep hold of the major elements it requires to heal itself. In this situation, a red light therapy helps in improving the barrier function and reduces those wrinkles.
People who bought a reliable home iontophoresis machine had reaped great results. Some experts recommend visiting a medical professional. Though it’s an alternative, it may cost around $80-$500 per treatment, which depends on certain technological factors and the kind of treatment the concerned doctor prefers.
While buying the At-home use devices for wrinkle treatment, it is recommended that people undergo a thorough research about the certain product, its manufacturer, its supplier, technical specifications, safety, policy and other aspects.

Intense Pulsed Light Treatments and What to Expect

Both women and men go to dras­tic mea­sures to regain their lost youth, from fat injec­tions to facelifts. Luck­ily, tech­nol­ogy has pro­gressed to the point where you needn’t break the bank to look younger. Thanks to advance­ments in der­ma­tol­ogy, now you can grad­u­ally and effec­tively wipe the years off your face using non-intrusive, afford­able laser therapy.
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What is Intense Pulsed Light?

Once used pri­mar­ily for hair removal, IPL ther­apy is quickly becom­ing one of the most pop­u­lar ways to reduce the signs of aging. It’s the mid­dle ground in cos­metic pro­ce­dures; it’s much more effec­tive than cos­met­ics and much less painful than tra­di­tional sur­gi­cal procedures.
IPL ther­apy works by dis­trib­ut­ing intense pulses of light through the epi­der­mis into the struc­ture of the skin. Depend­ing on the wave­length, these pulses tar­get either hemo­glo­bin cells or melanin cells while stim­u­lat­ing col­la­gen at the same time. The light finds its way to the hemo­glo­bin cells that have rup­tured to cre­ate red­ness, bro­ken cap­il­lar­ies, or small bro­ken ves­sels under the skin and effec­tively dam­ages the cells allow­ing the body to then absorb them. Liver spots, freck­les, birth­marks and sun dam­age spots are removed in the same way.

Isn’t my Col­la­gen Cream Enough?

One of the major side effects of IPL is a sig­nif­i­cant boost in col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. So many cos­metic prod­ucts promise that they will increase col­la­gen and help to plump out exist­ing lines and wrin­kles. The sad fact is that unless the prod­ucts are pre­scrip­tion strength or the treat­ment is admin­is­tered by a reg­is­tered med­ical pro­fes­sional, it just won’t pen­e­trate the epi­der­mis. WhenIPL treat­ments are under­gone, the pulses pass through the epi­der­mis and stim­u­late the der­mis cells to pro­duce col­la­gen by heat­ing them up. Those who undergo a series of IPL treat­ments not only notice a mas­sive decrease in sur­face spots, but they can watch their wrin­kles start to dis­ap­pear in an entirely nat­ural, grad­ual way.

How Long Until the Beauty Begins?

As with most good things is life, it takes time to see results. If you’re look­ing to regain the beauty of your youth with­out los­ing the mobil­ity in your face, you need to com­mit to at least 3 to 5 ses­sions at a rate of once a month to get the full effect.
The first sign of aging on the skin can be very trau­matic for many peo­ple. Of course, there are lucky ones who embrace the change and revel in the spots, lines and creases that time brings. The major­ity of us, how­ever, fall into the cat­e­gory of those who panic and take out sec­ond mort­gages to fix it. How­ever, IPL allows us to regain a mas­sive chunk of our youth­ful beauty with­out hav­ing to spend enor­mous amounts of money on the pro­ce­dure. An added bonus of IPL is that it can be done at home as well. Almost pain­less and risk free when per­formed by a cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sional, IPL ther­apy may be the answer to all your aging concerns.

Does Viss RF Skin Tightening Massage Therapy System work?

Radiofrequency (RF) energy treatment is technology for non-surgical tightening of the early signs of loose or sagging skin; ideal for those people who either don’t want, or don’t believe they are old enough to have a surgical procedure. Pure RF energy alone is primarily used to treat skin laxity by facial tightening, and is best suited to patients with mild to moderate sagging of facial tissues, usually those in their mid 30s to 50s, with any skin colour. It is commonly used to treat the forehead, under the eyes, cheeks, mid-face, jaw line, and neck. Based on current RF technologies, most people should see at least a mild improvement in their skin tightness, with minimal risks and downtime compared to surgery.
This Radio frequency ( RF) treatment is usually treated in Hospital or clinics. Then should we go to Clinics? The answer is " No". The Viss RF skin tightening system allows you to have same results at home. Viss RF is gentle and easy way to reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate and tighten skin using radio frequency energy therapy. Just visit and explore more advantages of Viss beauty products!!

Achieve Flawless Skin with Facial Machine and Skin Care

Today the market is loaded with numerous facial items, as well as offers individuals a scope of different strategies that are utilized to prevail over any facial skin blemishes caused by our condition or different components. It appears just as skin centres and scientists are working out with new procedures every day and attempting to enhance the present techniques to become less abrasive or potentially invasive. It was once trusted that the best way to decrease your wrinkles was through a progression of botox infusions or with a cosmetic touch up.
One of the most widely used technique is the Radio Frequency facial machine. Skin care is very important for many people, however, most people do not undertake dramatic surgeries to cure their skin problems. From all of these it arises. With it, skin care becomes noninvasive and almost simple. In radio frequency, wavelengths of energy are used to correct skin deficiencies or flaws.
Achieve Flawless Skin with Facial Machine and Skin Care
Another preferred technique used these days is IPL hair removal system. We must not know first, what is IPL or IPL hair removal? Intense pulsed light hair removal system is a technology that is meant of producing light in high amount during a very short period of time. It is a method of hair removal from the body and it involves the use of a specially constructed xenon flash lamp and focusing optics. It has been tested and proven that lasers especially IPL systems were indeed a very effective method of removing unwanted hair for both men and women. Many types of IPL machines or devices have been developed and improved to remove unwanted hair in all areas of the body safely and efficiently. IPL or Intense Pulsed Laser is a safe and permanent method to achieve a smooth and hair-free look on body areas such as the underarms, the legs and the face.

5 Top Tips and Tricks for At-Home Hair Removal

Many com­pa­nies are start­ing to acknowl­edge that hair removal is not only cru­cial for people’s self-esteem, but also some­thing that many of us would rather do it in pri­vate. Home hair removal sys­tems are get­ting more sophis­ti­cated and eas­ier to use as the demand increases. Of course, we could all use a lit­tle help to get started to ensure that the process is as quick and as pain­less as possible.
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Choose Your Weapon

Obvi­ously, shav­ing is the eas­i­est way to remove unwanted hair at home. How­ever, the results only last a short while. If you want longer last­ing results, depila­tory creams are an excel­lent choice. If you’ve got very resis­tant hair, you may find that the creams are infe­rior to wax in terms of going ‘com­pletely bare’. Wax cer­tainly does require some exper­tise, but the results are amaz­ing. You’ll be hair free and smooth for at least three weeks, and because you are rip­ping out the hair by the root, the growth rate slows down over time.

Pre­emp­tive Pain Mea­sures are Essential

If you are a woman, don’t wax or pluck in the days before or dur­ing your period. Your pain tol­er­ance is nat­u­rally lower and you’ll find the skin is not only ten­der longer, but the expe­ri­ence is also much more uncom­fort­able. Before you attempt to wax or even pluck areas that you know are going to cause some pain, take an Advil about an hour prior. You may even want to con­sider numb­ing the area with an ice cube.

Prepa­ra­tion is the Best Prevention

Ensure you have absolutely every­thing you need within grab­bing dis­tance before get­ting started. Not only is wax or cream excep­tion­ally hard to remove, but if these prod­ucts are left on the skin for too long they can either burn or harden. It’s a time sen­si­tive process; elim­i­nate the pos­si­bil­ity of any dam­age to your body or home by hav­ing every­thing you need before you begin.

Give Your Parts Time to Recover

The way you care for your newly bare parts is cru­cial. The hair-free skin you’ve exposed is raw from the removal, or sen­si­tized from the chem­i­cals you’ve used so you need to pam­per it. Don’t scrub the area, don’t use any retinoids or AHAS, and don’t use any exfo­li­at­ing prod­ucts for a day after the pro­ce­dure, as you’ll irri­tate the skin even more.

Show Them No Mercy

If you for­get to care for the waxed area, you will expe­ri­ence the joys of mul­ti­ple ingrown hairs. What’s more, these plugged fol­li­cles can become infected and war­rant a trip to the doc­tor. The solu­tion is to start exfo­li­at­ing daily in shower about two days post removal. Not only will your body stay smooth, but the fol­li­cles will remain unblocked, allow­ing your new growth to come in properly.
As a cul­ture, we have pretty rigid stan­dards when it comes to excess hair. What­ever the rea­son, hair is less accept­able now than it ever was before. How­ever, there are ways to deal with unwanted hair in the pri­vacy of your own home.

5 Most Asked Questions About Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Often­times, peo­ple have ques­tions and con­cerns about doing their Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments in the com­fort of their own homes. Below are the answers to five of the most asked ques­tions about Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments.
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Does IPL Hurt?

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are not meant to be a painful expe­ri­ence. Some peo­ple feel a prick­ling sen­sa­tion, and other peo­ple sense warmth. The cor­rect set­tings, as per the user man­ual, should be fol­lowed because there are dif­fer­ent set­tings for dif­fer­ent skin tones. Some peo­ple find it help­ful to gear their bod­ies up for the warm­ing or tin­gling sen­sa­tion by test­ing the flashes on dif­fer­ent parts of their bod­ies. For exam­ple, some­one might do a few test flashes on their leg at the low­est set­ting before they jump ahead to the higher rec­om­mended set­ting. Com­fort is impor­tant, and pain should not be a part of the process.

Does it Cause Cancer?

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments have been stud­ied widely for many years, and no stud­ies indi­cate that IPL is a rea­son for can­cer con­cern. In addi­tion, the light in IPL dif­fers from sun­light in that IPL doesn’t con­tain sig­nif­i­cant amounts of UVA or UVB; ultra­vi­o­let light is what is asso­ci­ated with an increased can­cer risk. There­fore, there is no known cause for can­cer con­cern with IPL.

Does it Really Save Money?

When cal­cu­lat­ing the costs asso­ci­ated with shav­ing, wax­ing, and salon appoint­ments, it can be noticed that one can save money with Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments from home. Unlike going to a salon, IPL is an at-home pro­ce­dure that gives long-term and per­ma­nent results. Given the longevity of the results, shav­ing and wax­ing can become obso­lete, and spend­ing money on razors and creams no longer needs to be a reality.

What does IPL Help With?

Intense Pulsed Light can be used to treat sev­eral ail­ments. IPL works well for peo­ple with a vari­ety of skin tones, and it pro­vides excel­lent results for the fol­low­ing con­di­tions: Rosacea, sun dam­age, age spots, mild wrin­kling, and vas­cu­lar lesions or pig­men­ta­tion. It’s impor­tant that a per­son have the cor­rect skin tone for the treat­ments though. Intense Pulsed Light should not be used on dark brown or black skin tones.

Is it Safe to Do at Home?

Intense Pulsed Light at-home sys­tems are smaller than the ones found in many salons. In addi­tion, they are specif­i­cally designed for use in the home envi­ron­ment. Peo­ple doing their IPL treat­ments at home should always fol­low user man­u­als, and they should adhere to the proper treat­ment sched­ules. For exam­ple, some peo­ple think it would be a good idea to treat their skin more often than the sched­ule spec­i­fies. This is not a good idea because the skin needs time to heal from each ses­sion. Fol­low­ing the rules, in this case, is very important.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments from home are not sup­posed to be a painful process, and they’re def­i­nitely not shown to increase the risk of can­cer. IPL is a cost-effective way to remove hair and treat many skin con­di­tions from the com­fort of home, and it can actu­ally save money!

IPL Rejuvenation: What Is Intense Pulsed Light and How Does It Work?

Look­ing youth­ful and the improve­ment of one’s phys­i­cal appear­ance has been, and always will be, an area of great inter­est to peo­ple all around the world. Recent advances in cos­met­ics and der­ma­tol­ogy have brought some excit­ing tech­nolo­gies to the table, ones that not only are more effec­tive but also less inva­sive and require less down time. IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light is one of these options. Let’s take a look at what IPL is, how it works, and what it can do for you.
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What is IPL?

IPL is a tech­nol­ogy that employs dif­fer­ent wave­lengths of light to treat a vari­ety of cos­metic pro­ce­dures, from hair removal to scar reduc­tion. IPL dif­fers from laser treat­ments in that it uses non-coherent light as opposed to laser treat­ments, a treat­ment that uses coher­ent light. Laser treat­ments typ­i­cally use one focused wave­length of light at a time, whereas IPL uses a range of spec­trums depend­ing on the con­di­tion being treated. Typ­i­cally deliv­ered through a hand­held wand, IPL is rel­a­tively non-invasive, allow­ing patients to return to nor­mal activ­ity usu­ally within the same day.

How Does IPL Work?

IPL deliv­ers light, which pen­e­trates prob­lem areas of skin. The depth of pen­e­tra­tion is depen­dent on the wave­length cho­sen by the admin­is­tra­tor. Using hair removal as an exam­ple, light from IPLwill pen­e­trate the sur­face layer of a patient’s skin and dis­solve the base of hair fol­li­cles, also known as the bulb. Since the bulb usu­ally has a higher con­cen­tra­tion of melanin, which IPL is drawn to, that is where the light will turn into heat energy, sub­se­quently destroy­ing the hair from its base.

What Can IPL Be Used For?

Using the same method of light pen­e­tra­tion described pre­vi­ously, IPL can be used to treat a vari­ety of symp­toms other than hair removal. The dis­solv­ing of melanin at dif­fer­ent lev­els of skin can be par­tic­u­larly use­ful for the reduc­tion or com­plete removal of unwanted pig­men­ta­tion. Dis­col­oration result­ing from con­di­tions such as scars, lesions, birth­marks, bro­ken cap­il­lar­ies, or freck­les can all be treated through IPL. Unsightly leg veins can also be reduced at a dif­fer­ent wave­length of IPL. Veins are heated and the tem­per­a­ture within them is raised until they col­lapse and are vir­tu­ally invis­i­ble. Another perk of IPL is the excel­lent effi­cacy against pig­men­ta­tion over rel­a­tively large areas of skin and its abil­ity to remove tat­toos. When the cor­rect wave­length is selected, tat­too pig­ment par­ti­cles will absorb IPL heat energy and shat­ter into frag­ments nat­u­rally absorbable by the body.
One of the main rea­sons why IPL is often rec­om­mended as an alter­na­tive to tra­di­tional laser treat­ments is because it is a rel­a­tively gen­tle and non-invasive treat­ment. If admin­is­tered by a trained tech­ni­cian, IPL can be tuned to just the right wave­length so as to only tar­get the con­di­tion being treated and noth­ing else. With a wide vari­ety of appli­ca­tions, vir­tu­ally no recov­ery period, and a pain­less deliv­ery sys­tem, it is no mys­tery why IPL is fast becom­ing one of the most pop­u­lar meth­ods of skin reju­ve­na­tion in the world.
See our line of IPL Skin reju­ve­na­tion prod­ucts from VISS Beauty.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation: How Can It Benefit You?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) skin reju­ve­na­tion has a num­ber of ben­e­fits that peo­ple with blem­ished skin will be inter­ested in. This is a skin reju­ve­na­tion ther­apy that is pop­u­larly used by both med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers and beauty stu­dios in order to con­duct dif­fer­ent skin treat­ments such as photo-rejuvenation and hair removal. Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments use cer­tain wave­lengths of light to get at dif­fer­ent chro­mophores in your skin. If there is any­thing on your skin with which you feel unhappy, you should strongly con­sider IPL treat­ment as a way of improv­ing your skin’s appearance.

It Can Improve the Qual­ity of Your Skin

There are all sorts of skin imper­fec­tions and blem­ishes that peo­ple com­plain about. Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment deals with all sorts of skin prob­lems like freck­les, age spots, spi­der veins, the red­ness or pig­men­ta­tion result­ing from acne scar­ring, sun dam­age, Rosacea and brown pig­men­ta­tion. In addi­tion, it even restores the appear­ance of your skin to a health­ier and younger qual­ity. If you have been both­ered by skin prob­lems, then explore your Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment options.

It Requires Absolutely No Downtime

With so many forms of skin treat­ment, you are nor­mally required to recu­per­ate and recover for a short period of time after the pro­ce­dure. This is not the case with IPL. Besides being pain­less, it also allows you to resume your daily activ­i­ties imme­di­ately after the pro­ce­dure. This means that you could, for instance, get your IPL treat­ment dur­ing your lunch hour and then go back to your job and other daily activ­i­ties right after.

It Is a Pro­ce­dure That Is Painless

Too many cos­metic pro­ce­dures these days are painful, but IPL is note­wor­thy because it does not require you to take any anes­thet­ics before the treat­ment. This makes for a very con­ve­nient pro­ce­dure, because you won’t have to worry about tak­ing any drugs that may cause you unwanted side effects. As a result, you just go in for your appoint­ment, see the pro­fes­sional, and get yourIPL treat­ment done in a very short period of time.

It Can Pro­vide Near-Instant Results

With some cos­metic pro­ce­dures, you have to keep com­ing back to your spe­cial­ist for sev­eral follow-ups before you even see any results. What makes IPL so dif­fer­ent is that patients can some­times see results very soon after the pro­ce­dure. On aver­age, you can expect to see improve­ments in your skin after just a few ses­sions of IPL. You can expect to come back every 4 weeks or so for a follow-up appointment.
Age spots, blem­ishes, brown pig­men­ta­tion and even acne scar­ring are skin imper­fec­tions that you don’t have to live with any­more. Thanks to IPL, you can deal with all of these ugly skin prob­lems over the course of one lunch hour. The tech­nique behind IPL is non-invasive and free of pain, which means that you can get back to your every­day tasks as soon as you come out of the doctor’s office. If you want better-looking skin, con­sider this treat­ment as an effec­tive way to appear health­ier and younger.

Different Strokes: The Many Options of Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments (IPL) are a quick and gen­tle way to treat many com­mon skin ail­ments, such as sun dam­age, Rosacea, spots formed by aging, wrin­kling, and vas­cu­lar lesions or pig­men­ta­tion. Cover-up creams can become expen­sive over time, and aren’t nec­es­sar­ily effec­tive or safe. Con­tinue read­ing to learn about how Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are offer­ing peo­ple with skin con­di­tions the oppor­tu­nity to safely self-treat, and most impor­tantly, see big results.
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Nat­u­rally Treat Sun Damage

The amount of time spent in the sun as a child can add up and be seen in older adult skin. How­ever, sun dam­age doesn’t need to be feared any longer because there is some­thing peo­ple can do to reverse the effect of sun dam­age: at-home Intense Pulsed Light Treat­ments. Take into con­sid­er­a­tion that IPL is not designed for every skin type. Peo­ple with dark brown and black skin types are not rec­om­mended to use IPL treat­ments. Skin types that are lighter in tone are more suit­able can­di­dates for treatment.
It seems coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to treat sun dam­age by adding more light to the pic­ture, but the truth is that IPL treat­ments don’t use the same spec­trum of light that comes from the sun. IPLcan be a highly effec­tive and safe way to treat the dam­ag­ing long-term effects of sun dam­age on the skin.

Gen­tly Clear Away Mild Wrinkling

When skin cells die off faster than the body can replace them, wrin­kles begin to form. Peo­ple use all sorts of things to try and hide their wrin­kles: smooth­ing creams, facial masks, and toxic makeup. The prob­lem with all of those “solu­tions” is that they’re not really solu­tions at all; they cover up the prob­lem and they can often do more harm than good.
For real results, some­one with skin dam­age needs to get to the root of the prob­lem and fix the skin from within the body. Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments do just that. The light pen­e­trates the skin straight to the source, below the skin’s sur­face, to stim­u­late new col­la­gen pro­duc­tion and encour­age new skin cell growth. The results end up as a fresher, more youth­ful, appear­ance, and results can be noticed within as lit­tle as a month of reg­u­lar treatments.

Tone down Rosacea with­out Tak­ing Time off Work

Rosacea can become a con­di­tion of the past with Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments. Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are a safe and highly effec­tive way to tone down the appear­ance of Rosacea, and even elim­i­nate the con­di­tion all together. With at-home treat­ment sys­tems, peo­ple who suf­fer from Rosacea can gen­tly and con­fi­dently treat them­selves. Peo­ple can find their rosy spots to be embar­rass­ing, and IPL can make peo­ple feel a whole lot more comfortable.
Sun dam­age, mild wrin­kling, and Rosacea are only three of the many skin con­di­tions that IPL has the capa­bil­ity of treat­ing with ease. Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are worth the inves­ti­ga­tion, and proven results are worth the excitement!

All You Need to Know About IPL Hair Removal Treatments

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal is an option that many peo­ple are con­sid­er­ing these days, and it’s no won­der why. There are numer­ous rea­sons why opt­ing for an in-home salon expe­ri­ence is a good idea. Con­tinue read­ing to find out all that’s nec­es­sary to know about at-home hair removal with IPL machines.
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Hair Removal at Home is Safe

Some peo­ple are ner­vous about the safety of Intense Pulsed Light hair removal sim­ply because it’s not a com­monly under­stood sys­tem. Intense Pulsed Light machines have been safely used for years in salons around the globe. At-home machines are smaller than sys­tems tra­di­tion­ally used in salons and they are designed specif­i­cally for use in a home. For addi­tional safety, machines come with safety glasses and detailed instruc­tions that peo­ple can fol­low with ease and reli­a­bil­ity. Not only are the machines safe, there are no stud­ies indi­cat­ing health risks to some­one who uses the Intense Pulsed Light as directed.

Results are Long-Lasting and Permanent

Wax­ing and shav­ing do not present long-lasting results com­pared to the reg­u­lar use of an Intense Pulsed Light machine. Shav­ing needs to occur every few days so that skin stays smooth, and some areas are more del­i­cate to shave than oth­ers. Who wants to be shav­ing every sec­ond day just to know that the hair will grow back again?
Wax­ing offers ques­tion­able results as well. Wax­ing can be down­right painful, and every month, or some­times less often, the process needs to hap­pen all over again. The wax is gooey, the strips are chal­leng­ing to use, and the spe­cial oils to apply after­ward are messy and annoy­ing. Doing that every month? No thank you.

Remov­ing Hair at Home is Cost-Effective

At-home hair removal cuts down on all sorts of unnec­es­sary costs. Dis­cussed above were the costs of wax­ing strips, waxes, oils, gels, razors, and foams. Those are all things that come along with shav­ing and wax­ing from home. What about going to a salon for pro­fes­sional hair removal ser­vices? Salons can get pricey at even one visit. Salon costs include gra­tu­ities, com­mut­ing costs, and prod­uct pur­chases. The cost can be end­less, espe­cially when some­one heads to a salon on a reg­u­lar basis. Hair removal from home has sev­eral ben­e­fits, one of them being the lower cost.

Hair Removal Can Hap­pen in a Com­fort­able Home Environment

Hair removal can be quite an inti­mate expe­ri­ence. Some­times there are areas of the body where it just doesn’t feel com­fort­able to expose to a stranger, or even to a friend. At-home hair removal is a way for some­one to remain com­fort­able in their own liv­ing envi­ron­ment, while hav­ing the per­sonal expe­ri­ence of hair removal.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are a safe alter­na­tive to hair removal at a salon. In addi­tion, IPLoffers long-lasting results. Cost-comparison will prove that at-home hair removal is a highly afford­able way to take care of the body, and the com­forts of the home envi­ron­ment just can­not be beat. Sav­ing money and time are two of the many ben­e­fits of using an Intense Pulsed Light machine at home.

The Future of Skin Rejuvenation

IPL Skin rejuvenation blog pic
The plea­sures and stresses of life, along with the sim­ple aging, tend to cause our skin to appear older. While peo­ple choose makeup or even inva­sive surgery to counter the aging process, the enlight­ened solu­tion to reveal more even, lumi­nous, younger look­ing skin is IPL Skin Rejuvenation.
VISS IPL Skin Reju­ve­na­tion is fast, easy and pain­less. VISS Beauty puts the power of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) in your hands to eas­ily treat rosacea, sun dam­age, age spots, mild wrin­kling and vascular/pigmented lesions .The treat­ments also stim­u­late new col­la­gen pro­duc­tion beneath the skin sur­face, which remod­els the col­la­gen, firms the skin and shrinks pores.
The secret of VISS IPL results are in our fil­ter tech­nol­ogy that deliv­ers opti­mally fil­tered wave­lengths of pulsed light for out­stand­ing results. The best part is that pro­fes­sional treat­ments in your home are now as sim­ple as point and click.
You’ll save time with one sys­tem for a wide range of treat­ment pro­ce­dures, includ­ing rosacea, sun dam­age, age spots, mild wrin­kling and vascular/pigmented lesions on the face and other body areas. You will enjoy gen­tle treat­ments with excel­lent results and lit­tle downtime.
You will quickly agree that VISS sim­pli­fies IPL Skin Reju­ve­na­tion treat­ments for the better:
  • Pro­fes­sional IPL pho­tore­ju­ve­na­tion treat­ments in your home are now as sim­ple as point and click
  • One sys­tem for a vari­ety of treat­ments, includ­ing mild rosacea, sun dam­age, age spots, mild wrin­kling and vascular/pigmented lesions
  • Stim­u­lates new col­la­gen pro­duc­tion beneath the skin sur­face, which remod­els the col­la­gen, firms the skin and shrinks pores
  • IPL Skin Reju­ve­na­tion treat­ments are quick, gen­tle and non-invasive. There is no inter­rup­tion of rou­tine activities

Pain Free and Fast: Why Women Are So Excited About IPL Hair Removal

Women are excited about at-home Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments because the other hair removal options just aren’t adding up to be enjoy­able, afford­able, or time-friendly. Read on to dis­cover how IPL from home is sim­ply a bet­ter alter­na­tive to nor­mal hair-removal methods.
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Shav­ing Doesn’t Cut It

Shav­ing gels, dis­pos­able razors, bat­ter­ies, and after­shave creams no longer need to have a place in the world. Shav­ing all the time can be an unnec­es­sary expense and a huge waste of time. Add up the cost of shav­ing equip­ment, over time, and it will be obvi­ous that the price is not wor­thy of the amount of time it takes to shave. In addi­tion to the wasted cost, shav­ing needs to be done way too often; it can take a long time to get in a good shave, and skin only stays hair-free for a cou­ple of days at a time.

Wax­ing is Painful and Messy

Many women can agree that wax­ing is a bet­ter alter­na­tive to shav­ing because wax­ing brings longer last­ing results, which means smoother skin for longer. But, of course, wax­ing hurts! It’s no fun hav­ing the hair ripped out of any area of the body, let alone the sen­si­tive spots. Wax­ing is not only painful; it can be down­right dirty. The mess involved with heated wax, and sticky strips doesn’t make the job of hair removal very much fun at all.

Going to a Salon is Expensive

Wax­ing, shav­ing, and other hair removal ses­sions done in a spa envi­ron­ment can be a costly habit. Sure, every­one wants to treat them­selves, but if going to a salon becomes the reg­u­lar thing it would be smart to ask the ques­tion, “Is it really worth the money?” If results at the salon are non-permanent, then find­ing a bet­ter way could be a worth­while thing to do. Often­times, peo­ple don’t think of all the expense that goes into the salon expe­ri­ence: the com­mut­ing, the gra­tu­ities, and the follow-up prod­uct pur­chases. It can all add up!

Time is Being Wasted

The time peo­ple spend shav­ing every sec­ond day, wax­ing every month, and going to the spa is time that could be spent enjoy­ing other activ­i­ties. The time at the spa isn’t the only fac­tor to con­sider; add up all the com­mut­ing and time spent in the wait­ing room as well. Per­ma­nent hair removal makes more sense, costs less money over time, is more effec­tive, less painful, and more enjoyable.

There’s a Bet­ter Alternative

At-home hair removal shouldn’t be expen­sive and waste­ful, and it shouldn’t be painful and messy. Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments can be done in the com­fort and con­ve­nience of any home envi­ron­ment, and they don’t need to be done by a pro­fes­sional. IPL is a safe, non-invasive, and highly effec­tive way to smooth the skin, shrink the pores, and remove unwanted hair from all over the body.
Not only are Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments safe and effec­tive, they also end up sav­ing time in the long run. All things con­sid­ered, there’s no won­der why women are excited about IPL.

IPL Hair Removal for Indian Skin

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Women around the world have long suf­fered from the ongo­ing incon­ve­nience of remov­ing unwanted hair. For those who have fine, lightly-coloured hair, body hair can be much eas­ier to main­tain as it’s not always vis­i­ble. For oth­ers with thick, dark-coloured and notice­able facial and/or bod­ily hair, the incon­ve­nience is far greater and can cause a wealth of self-esteem issues.
The search for a cost effec­tive, safe and per­ma­nent method of hair removal is ongo­ing. What suits one woman may not be right for another. Wax­ing, depila­tory creams and shav­ing are all quick fixes, but actu­ally make the prob­lem worse in the long run as hair can grown back thicker and more coarse.
Laser and light treat­ments tar­get the pig­men­ta­tion in hairs, heat­ing and destroy­ing them so that hair fol­li­cle activ­ity is dis­abled. For that rea­son, there must be a dif­fer­ence in pig­men­ta­tion between the skin tone and the hair colour for the treat­ment to be effec­tive and to avoid burn­ing of the skin. IPL is said to be the least painful and most effec­tive method of per­ma­nent hair reduc­tion, yet many women are hes­i­tant to try it due to con­fu­sion about its suit­abil­ity for cer­tain skin tones and hair types.
A com­mon mis­con­cep­tion is that IPL (Intense Pulse Light) is not suit­able for darker skin tones, when in actual fact, IPL can be safely used to treat unwanted hair on dark brown skin tones with black or dark brown hair using a lower light inten­sity set­ting (1,2 or 3 on VISS IPL).
Where tra­di­tion­ally it may have not been suit­able, thanks to advances in tech­nol­ogy, now it is sim­ply a case of a spe­cific light inten­sity depend­ing on your skin shade and hair colour.
With the darker and thicker nature so often asso­ci­ated with darker skin tones, includ­ing on Indian skin, IPL can offer a more long-term solu­tion to hair removal, whereas the likes of wax­ing and shav­ing can only offer tem­po­rary reduc­tions in hair, and require more time ded­i­ca­tion to maintain.
IPL home sys­tems ensure that hav­ing to go to a salon for every hair removal treat­ment is erad­i­cated, sav­ing you time, has­sle, poten­tial embar­rass­ment and money. Suit­able on arm hair and under­arm hair removal along­side tra­di­tional areas such as legs, these machines are ver­sa­tile enough to be worth your while.

For more infor­ma­tion get in touch with our team via the con­tact form or ring us on +1.415.800.4604.

Zap That Hair: Benefits of IPL for Facial Hair

If you have exces­sive or unwanted facial hair that you can’t tol­er­ate and just want to remove as soon as pos­si­ble, then IPL (intense pulsed light) treat­ment is your best option. Intense pulsed light is a method that has been employed by med­ical pro­fes­sion­als and beauty stu­dios alike. It relies on using pre­cise wave­lengths of light in order to reach dif­fer­ent chro­mophores in the skin. Here are four ben­e­fits of using intense pulsed light to zap your facial hair.
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Effi­cient Use of Light Where It Needs to Go

IPL’s broad-spectrum and intensely cen­tered light gets at the sur­face of the skin via either an artic­u­lated arm or a hand­held wand. This light then moves through your skin until it makes con­tact with the hair shafts or the root/bulb of the hair. This root or bulb is where the major­ity of melanin is found, in com­par­i­son with the rest of the hair shaft. The root/bulb and almost all of the shaft are then vapor­ized as the light gets con­verted into heat energy.

Direct Tar­get­ing of Papilla

A papilla is an anatom­i­cal struc­ture that resem­bles a nip­ple, and it is where hair is pro­duced. The high heat gen­er­ated by IPL treat­ment destroys these papil­lae. In addi­tion, straight­for­ward light-heat trans­for­ma­tion hap­pens within any darker-colored cap­il­lar­ies that send nec­es­sary blood ves­sels to the hair fol­li­cles. This pre­cise tar­get­ing works to destroy unwanted facial hair with greater effec­tive­ness than other treatments.

Bet­ter Deal Than Other Treatments

IPL treat­ment is also a bet­ter deal than other treat­ments that promise to do the same thing. For exam­ple, Alexan­drite laser treat­ment to remove unwanted facial hair is also an option, yet it is much more expen­sive than IPL treat­ment. You will spend approx­i­mately 50 per­cent less money on IPL treat­ments than you would on other types of laser treat­ment. You are a lot bet­ter off going with IPL, sav­ing money and then still zap­ping away any unwanted facial hair. There is really no need to spend extra money on fancier treat­ments when IPL will do just fine.

Rea­son­able Num­ber of Treat­ments Required

Don’t think that the IPL tech­nique guar­an­tees that your unwanted facial hair will dis­ap­pear in just one or two ses­sions or imme­di­ately. The process of IPL facial hair removal is one that involves repeated office vis­its, whether to your doctor’s office or a beauty stu­dio. How­ever, the over­all num­ber of repeat fol­low up vis­its is rea­son­able, usu­ally involv­ing between 8 and 10 over a period of time for com­plete facial hair removal.
Many peo­ple under­stand­ably have prob­lems with facial hair, espe­cially women. It can be seen as unat­trac­tive, and peo­ple spend a lot of time and effort in deal­ing with how to get rid of it. For­tu­nately, IPL treat­ment is avail­able to pro­vide a rem­edy and peace of mind to any­body with unwanted facial hair. Cheaper and requir­ing less down­time than other laser treat­ments, IPL is a tech­nol­ogy that attacks the prob­lem right at the root of the hair, mak­ing sure that unwanted facial hair becomes a thing of the past.

The Best Body Hair Removal Methods For Swimmers

A few tenths of a sec­ond can make a big dif­fer­ence between fin­ish­ing first and sec­ond, and that is why swim­mers often remove body hair before a big race. This is done to decrease drag in the water and it is also believed to give swim­mers a psy­cho­log­i­cal boost. It has become a tra­di­tion in swim­ming since the 1956 Olympics when Jon Hen­ricks and Mur­ray Rose shaved before their races and won gold medals for Aus­tralia. Today, we are going to take a look at the best body hair removal method for swimmers:
Swimmer blog pic


This is one of the most com­mon meth­ods of hair removal for swim­mers, but it’s also tem­po­rary.It’s rec­om­mended that you trim down the hair on your chest, arms and legs before actu­ally shav­ing. It is a cheap method of remov­ing body hair and can be done at home before a swim­ming event, but if you have a lot of hair it can require sev­eral razors.

Is this the best method?

Shav­ing remains a pop­u­lar choice for many com­pet­i­tive swim­mers, but the hair is only cut off at the sur­face and will quickly return. Ingrown hairs and fol­li­culi­tis may also become a prob­lem. How­ever, it remains a cheap, effec­tive way of mak­ing your­self more aero­dy­namic for glid­ing through the water.


This is a good, albeit painful method of pulling out large amounts of hair. It is a method where warm wax is applied to the hair and then pulled out with a piece of wax strip paper. You only need to see the scene with Steve Car­rell in The 40 Year Old Vir­gin and know that it was real to under­stand how painful it can be. Still, the results will last longer than shav­ing and it is pos­si­ble to do it at home or get pro­fes­sional treatment.

Is this the best method?

Wax­ing can prove a good way of remov­ing body hair before a swim­ming event or com­pe­ti­tion, but you will need to have a good pain thresh­old. It’s also impor­tant to note that the hair must be a cer­tain length (0.25–0.5 inches) for the wax to grab and pull it out.

Laser Hair Removal

There is lim­ited pain in the case of laser hair removal and it can treat just about any part of the body. You will need to visit a trained pro­fes­sional to receive treat­ment, though, because it is essen­tially a laser burn­ing away unwanted hair fol­li­cles at their roots. The treat­ment is not cheap com­pared to the two meth­ods men­tioned above, poten­tially in the region of $1,500 or more for a series of treat­ments, and the hair will grow back.

Is this the best method?

It is a method that is being used by more swim­mers, but whether or not it is the best will depend on indi­vid­ual dis­cre­tion. The cost will also need to be taken into account and can dif­fer depend­ing on where you go.

IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

IPL is dif­fer­ent to laser hair removal as it can treat an area in one go and can do so for a larger area. This makes the treat­ment quicker and reduces the level of pain. It takes a cou­ple of treat­ments to see results and it works best on darker hair and paler skin. Pro­fes­sional IPL treat­ment can be expen­sive, albeit gen­er­ally cheaper than laser treat­ment, and there is the money sav­ing option of pur­chas­ing a home system.

Is this the best method?

Once again, it’s going to be down to indi­vid­ual pref­er­ence whether or not IPL is a swimmer’s best method of hair removal.  Repeat ses­sions will be required, but these can be car­ried out at home with a pro­fes­sional bought system.
For more infor­ma­tion on the best meth­ods for remov­ing body hair, visit our page on hair removal.

How This Anti Wrinkle Device Has Beaten Other Remedies and RF Machines?

Wrinkles, sagging and lackluster skin – the signs of aging leave an unimpressive impact.
Yes, we have discovered natural remedies, but it proves slightly less effective when it comes to application. By now, we had needed something concrete, something which results in actual change and not just hypothetical observations.
Over the years, we have across multiple RF machines that promised to do well, but did the worst. In all of these, VISS Beauty gave a marvel of the Anti Wrinkle Device in this Gold Wrinkle Iontophoresis Device.
Here’s what it is capable to do:
  • The anti wrinkle device made penetration of high quality serums through the skin easy and quick. For years, people have been wondering why their skin was dry even after applying moisturizing creams and similar products. However, the device from VISS’ has proven its worth with simple and easy application on mouth’s corners and eyes’ rims.
  • The Automatic skin-sensing function is a unique feature of this device. The system works only when it touches the skin and helps minimize skin problems.
  • The ion micro current penetrates the active ingredients of the serums through the skin and helps in making it supple and youthful altogether.
Anti Wrinkle Device
None of the products available for skin aging have shown any “transforming” results like the VISS Beauty Device has done. So, the next time you want an Iontophoresis for eye care, you can simply rely on this product to help with it, right at your home.

Not Just for Pimples: Why IPL Acne Treatments Can Help With Old Scars

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treat­ments are becom­ing widely rec­og­nized as an effec­tive solu­tion for those suf­fer­ing from mild to mod­er­ate inflam­ma­tory acne. Besides clear­ing up pus­tules and active inflam­ma­tion, IPL has the added ben­e­fit of improv­ing the appear­ance of facial scar­ring, which is an unfor­tu­nate but com­mon out­come of chronic acne. Read on to dis­cover whether Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments may be right for you.
IPL acne treatment blog pic

How IPL Treat­ments Work

Dur­ing IPL treat­ments, short pulses of intense light are emit­ted from an appli­ca­tor onto your skin. To treat acne, spe­cific wave­lengths of light tar­get bac­te­ria in the skin, as well as inflamed seba­ceous glands that con­tribute to break­outs. IPL energy at var­i­ous wave­lengths is also used to selec­tively destroy pig­ment cells, blood-filled cap­il­lary veins, or hair, depend­ing on the intended nature of your treatment.
When your skin absorbs the light energy, it heats up and you will expe­ri­ence a brief, pin­prick sen­sa­tion. A layer of chilled gel applied before treat­ment helps to ease the dis­com­fort, and as each indi­vid­ual pulse of light can treat a gen­er­ous area of skin, IPL treat­ments are gen­er­ally quite short. A typ­i­cal ses­sion ranges from 20 to 30 min­utes, and most patients require between four and six ses­sions to achieve the desired results.

The Ben­e­fits of IPL for Acne Scars

Acne scar­ring can affect both the color and tex­ture of the skin. Scars may appear as small dents in the skin’s sur­face or as raised scar tis­sue. In either case, scar­ring often cre­ates uneven pig­men­ta­tion in the form of red­ness or dark spots. Because Intense Pulsed Light can tar­get pig­ment cells specif­i­cally, IPL treat­ments are effec­tive for evening out dis­col­oration, which dra­mat­i­cally reduces the vis­i­bil­ity of acne scars and gives the appear­ance of a more uni­form skin sur­face. IPLdoes not smooth out raised scars or decrease the depth of indented scars.

Why Choose IPL Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are a non-invasive, non-abrasive option for any­one who wishes to reduce the vis­i­bil­ity of acne scars. The min­i­mal dis­com­fort involved in the pro­ce­dure means that no anes­the­sia is required beyond a mild cool­ing gel. Side effects are rare, with red­ness in the treated area typ­i­cally short-lived and a nor­mal appear­ance restored within hours of the treatment.

Who Should Use IPL

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are rec­om­mended for any­one other than darker skinned indi­vid­u­als, as these peo­ple may expe­ri­ence hyper­pig­men­ta­tion from IPL, and peo­ple cur­rently or recently treated with the med­ica­tion Accu­tane. Preg­nant women and pho­to­sen­si­tive indi­vid­u­als should con­sult their physi­cian before com­menc­ing treat­ment. For those who wish to improve the tex­ture as well as the pig­men­ta­tion of acne scars, IPL can be com­bined with a more inten­sive pro­ce­dure, such as a gly­colic acid peel, in order to achieve the desired outcome.
Whether you suf­fer from active inflam­ma­tory acne or only lin­ger­ing scars, IPL treat­ment is a safe, non-surgical method for sig­nif­i­cantly improv­ing the con­di­tion of your skin. If acne break­outs and scars are trou­bling you, treat­ment with Intense Pulsed Light could allow you to face the world with full con­fi­dence again.
Learn more about our IPL Acne treat­ment products.

No Longer Just for Acne: IPL and How It Helps Those With Rosacea

Any­one who has ever been diag­nosed with Rosacea can tell you that it’s not only a huge incon­ve­nience, but it can also be a source of great dis­may. Of course there are things that can be done to man­age it, but it is essen­tially with­out a cure. Peo­ple with Rosacea have had to spend their lives man­ag­ing this con­di­tion through diet, stress con­trol and med­ica­tions lest they expe­ri­ence an episode. These ‘episodes’ leave many suf­fer­ers with severe flush­ing, skin lesions, and in advanced cases, over­growth of skin. Years have passed with lit­tle advance­ment in Rosacea treat­ment, until now. More and more, der­ma­tol­o­gists and med­ical pro­fes­sion­als are rec­om­mend­ing the use of Intense Pulsed Light ther­apy (IPL) in order to not only con­trol Rosacea, but to ren­der it asymptomatic.
Rosacea blog pic

Rosacea: Just the Basics

Rosacea has no known cause, but plenty of known trig­gers. Believed to be inher­ited and more preva­lent in fair skinned peo­ple, flare-ups can occur due to many exter­nal and inter­nal fac­tors. Spicy food, alco­hol, cof­fee, stress and strong emo­tions can all trig­ger an episode, leav­ing the suf­fer­ers with heav­ily flushed faces and even painful acne-like bumps that don’t respond to treat­ment. Incur­able, incon­ve­nient, and uncom­fort­able, suf­fers have believed for cen­turies that noth­ing can be done.

How a Cou­ple of Rays of Light Can Help

Orig­i­nally cre­ated for hair removal, IPL ther­apy has been approved by the FDA since 1995 but is only recently gain­ing momen­tum as a Rosacea treat­ment. In fact, mod­ern der­ma­tol­o­gists are begin­ning to con­sider it the treat­ment of choice, beat­ing out the creams and lotions that have been tra­di­tion­ally pre­scribed by med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers. Dur­ing the treat­ment ses­sion, the doc­tor admin­is­ters pulses of light specif­i­cally tar­geted at the cor­rect fre­quency to lit­er­ally dis­man­tle the rup­tured hemo­glo­bin cells in the dermis.
These cells absorb the light, which has trans­formed to heat, effec­tively destroy­ing the cell and allow­ing the body to reab­sorb the waste. The unaf­fected skin remains undam­aged, but the affected por­tions are rad­i­cally trans­formed in as lit­tle as three sessions.

Does IPL Really Work?

Cur­rently, der­ma­tol­o­gists are rec­om­mend­ing three to five ses­sions of IPL, depend­ing on the sever­ity of the individual’s con­di­tion. There are some who may be skep­ti­cal about com­mit­ting to the time and cost that the course of treat­ment neces­si­tates; how­ever when the hard data is exam­ined, the ben­e­fits far out­weigh the cost. Recently, a group of Rosacea suf­fer­ers under­went five IPL help­ing sci­en­tists to col­lect data in order to bet­ter under­stand the effec­tive­ness of the process. The results were stag­ger­ing. The sub­jects enjoyed an 83 per­cent decrease in red­ness, a 75 per­cent decrease in the amount of flush­ing and 64 per­cent expe­ri­enced fewer break­outs. With those kinds of results, there is no won­der why so many doc­tors are rec­om­mend­ing IPL to their patients.
Imag­ine a life where your con­fi­dence isn’t related to the con­di­tion of your skin. Imag­ine a life where a slight blush on your cheek is just that. If you have been endur­ing Rosacea, IPL is an amaz­ing oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence some­thing that actu­ally brings relief. With lit­tle down time and no lin­ger­ing side effects besides a bit of swelling, there is no rea­son not to con­sider this rev­o­lu­tion­ary treatment.

How to Throw a Viss Beauty Party

It’s that time of year again. Yes, it’s time for the Christ­mas party sea­son, when many of us put our looks under a pro­longed level of strain by eat­ing and drink­ing more than we nor­mally would. So we thought we’d tell you about a dif­fer­ent kind of party that can help you to sur­vive the Christ­mas party sea­son. We’re talking about a VISS Beauty party, of course, so read on to find out how you and your friends can make the most of this fes­tive treat.
Viss beauty party blog pic

First step: Reju­ve­nate your skin

Decem­ber is a time when many of us con­sider this a valid excuse to throw back our hair and enjoy the plea­sures in life; food, drink and gen­er­ally being merry. But your skin can cer­tainly feel the effects. So get your friends round to yours and bring out the VISS IPL Skin Reju­ve­na­tion sys­tem to pro­vide your skin with a dif­fer­ent kind of plea­sure. The kit works to induce col­la­gen for restor­ing flex­i­bil­ity, strength and elas­tic­ity of the skin. It will smooth your skin and can treat any wrin­kles that appear after the more demand­ing Christ­mas parties.

Sec­ond step: Say farewell to acne

All this strain of the party sea­son can mean unwanted acne begin to show their ugly heads – often brighter than Rudolph’s nose. That’s why your VISS Beauty party isn’t com­plete with­out using our safe, easy to use pro­fes­sional stan­dard IPL acne treat­ment. The light-based tech­nol­ogy helps your skin to pro­duce colla­gen to repair your skin, so that you and your friends can look the part when you unwrap your presents under the tree.

Final step: Pre­pare for the next party

Tis the sea­son, after all, and we have no doubt that you’ve got sev­eral invi­ta­tions to var­i­ous bashes over Christ­mas. But it’s a good idea to make sure that you’re look­ing the part, so we rec­om­mend that you and your friends keep the VISS Beauty party going with our home IPL hair removal sys­tem. This pro­vides a safe, quick and effec­tive method of remov­ing hair from the body and can save you a great deal of money com­pared to laser hair removal. The pro­fes­sional home treat­ment is used in clin­ics world­wide so you can be sure that your party will go to plan.
If you would like to have your very own VISS Beauty party, then visit our online shop to find your per­fect Christ­mas gift.

When is the best time to start IPL hair removal?

If you’ve been think­ing about IPL hair removal, the fall and win­ter months could be the best time to start your treat­ment. Read on to see why and get some more tips on the best time for IPLtreatment.

Why start your IPL treat­ment in fall or winter?

IPL hair removal treat­ment works best on light skin with dark hair. Dur­ing fall and win­ter it’s a lot eas­ier to keep out of the sun and pre­vent your skin from tan­ning, com­pared to the sum­mer months. If you can’t avoid being exposed to some sun before your IPL ses­sion, it’s worth invest­ing in a good sun­block to pro­tect your skin and ensure the effec­tive­ness of your IPL treatment.

What hair removal meth­ods did you use before?

The method of hair removal that you have used in the past can have an effect on when you should start your IPL treat­ment. The cycle of your hair growth plays an impor­tant part of the IPLprocess and the treat­ment doesn’t work in cases where the hair has been removed from the root, for exam­ple by wax­ing, using tweez­ers or threading.
If you have waxed, tweezed or threaded, it’s best wait around 3 weeks before start­ing your IPLtreat­ment. If you have used a hair removal or depila­tory cream, we rec­om­mend wait­ing around a week before start­ing IPL. If you have been shav­ing the area with a razor, you can start your IPLtreat­ment right away and we advise using this method of hair removal in between your IPLsessions.
We would also rec­om­mend you avoid bleach­ing the hairs before and in between ses­sions as the darker your hair colour is com­pared to your skin tone, the more effec­tive the treat­ment will be!

Can you have IPL treat­ment when on your period?

It’s safe to have IPL treat­ment when you are on your period, although some women avoid it dur­ing this time of the month because your pain thresh­old can be slightly higher dur­ing and just before the start of your period.
Find out more about what to expect from an IPL hair removal treat­ment in our guide to the VissIPL sys­tem here.

Body Focus: Hair Removal For Your Back

Hav­ing a hairy back is a com­mon prob­lem for men and women all over the world.
Men are increas­ingly becom­ing more con­cerned with groom­ing and the trend for a ‘back, sack and crack’ wax is in full swing. With smooth–chested men such as David Beck­ham flaunted in the media, along­side a more wide­spread accep­tance to male groom­ing, men’s wax­ing and shav­ing is becom­ing more com­mon. How­ever, as women have already expe­ri­enced over a longer time period, these solu­tions are often only tem­po­rary and require reg­u­lar upkeep and maintenance.
As well as the embar­rass­ment of find­ing a salon that treats men, the prob­lem with wax­ing is not only that it can be excru­ci­at­ingly painful, but the rip­ping action dam­ages hair fol­li­cles leav­ing future hairs to grow at odd angles, often side­ways into the skin. Ingrown hairs can then become infected and painful.
Many men are choos­ing to use hair removal creams, which dis­solve the ker­atin in the hair strands, killing the sur­face hair which can then be eas­ily wiped off. These kind of creams have an over­bear­ing chem­i­cal odour and only kill the hair to the sur­face of the skin. Wax­ing, shav­ing and depila­tory creams are all quick fixes which don’t have long last­ing effects. What’s worse is that when the hair starts to grow back, it can be incred­i­bly itchy, and there is noth­ing more irri­tat­ing than an itch you can’t reach!
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is said to be the least painful and most effec­tive method of per­ma­nent hair reduc­tion and is suit­able for both men and women  as well as the major­ity of skin types and hair colours. It involves run­ning a small lamp over the skin which trans­mits pow­er­ful light pulses of var­i­ous wave­lengths that tar­get the pig­men­ta­tion in the hairs, heat­ing and destroy­ing it (the hair will fall out over a few days). As hair grows in cycles, it may take up to six treat­ments to make the results more per­ma­nent, but you should see sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tions over a short time period. You can even pur­chase IPL home sys­tems allow­ing you to treat your­self in the com­fort and pri­vacy of your own home– avoid those embar­rass­ing salon appoint­ments forever!
(Top tip, a large mir­ror will make this task eas­ier, or alter­na­tively, shar­ing the machine with a friend of fam­ily mem­ber will make
Male back hairFor the one off expense of buy­ing the VISS IPL home sys­tem which is suit­able for both men and women, your­self and your part­ner can prac­tice safe, almost pain­less, per­ma­nent hair reduction.a home machine even more cost-effective, whilst also offer­ing a help­ing hand for hard to reach areas.)

Anti-Aging and Ion Treatments: Rewinding the Clock

Just because aging is inevitable, it doesn’t make it any eas­ier to take. You can blame it on as many things as you want — sleep creases, dehy­dra­tion, bad light­ing. You can slather as many expen­sive creams on them as you can afford. The fact is, when you start to get lines and wrin­kles, noth­ing you put on the sur­face of your skin will make them go away entirely. If you want to see real, mea­sur­able results you need to ‘up your game’ and start con­sid­er­ing med­ical esthetics.
Anti-aging woman blog pic

It’s Time to Rethink Plas­tic Surgery

If you’re like most peo­ple, when you think of med­ical esthet­ics the first things that come to mind are price and pain closely fol­lowed by images of bad plas­tic surgery. This may have been the case decades ago, but beauty tech­nol­ogy has advanced since then. Now, anti aging treat­ments can be not only extremely effec­tive, but pain­less and afford­able as well.

No Pain and Max­i­mum Gain

Ion treat­ments or ion­tophore­sis are swiftly becom­ing one of the ‘go to’ anti-aging pro­ce­dures for men and women world­wide. There is no down­time, and the patient sees results almost imme­di­ately. No won­der their pop­u­lar­ity is increas­ing at such a rapid rate. Using a pos­i­tive charged gal­vanic cur­rent, the ion treat­ment machine effec­tively pushes the mol­e­cules of your cho­sen treat­ment through your epi­der­mis and into the inner lay­ers of your skin where it can do its work prop­erly. Stud­ies have shown that this results in your skin using 50% of the treat­ment rather than the mea­ger 1% that is absorbed when creams or serums are applied by hand. The tech­nol­ogy is so effec­tive in fact, that it has been used to admin­is­ter med­ica­tion through the skin for years. No empty promises here!

Youth From Within

The ultra­sound waves that help to push the mol­e­cules into your der­mis have addi­tional ben­e­fits to your skin as well. Your blood cir­cu­la­tion auto­mat­i­cally increases thanks to the over 40,000 vibra­tion waves per sec­ond, flood­ing your cells with oxy­gen and thereby boost­ing your col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. Your skin will become firmer, fine lines will decrease and it will take on a healthy, rosy glow that is imme­di­ately appar­ent. There is also the added ben­e­fit of antiox­i­dant pro­tec­tion to con­sider as well. Beyond the ‘sur­face’ con­cerns of beauty, hav­ing vit­a­mins as pow­er­ful as vit­a­min C or E pushed deep into your skin cells means increased pro­tec­tion against the for­ma­tion of malig­nant cells as well. Anti aging and can­cer pre­ven­tion? Now that’s a potent com­bi­na­tion indeed.
You may have sworn to never have any kind of med­ical inter­ven­tion when it comes to pre­vent­ing aging. There are plenty of celebri­ties who make excel­lent exam­ples of how a few nips, tucks and injec­tions can go ter­ri­bly wrong. How­ever, due to the sophis­ti­ca­tion of new tech­niques it may be time to start rethink­ing your stance. Sci­ence is mak­ing it pos­si­ble to truly turn back the clock, while still look­ing entirely like your­self — no swollen lips, no pinched nose, no emo­tion­less brow. Ion treat­ments are prov­ing to be a ver­i­ta­ble foun­tain of youth.
For more infor­ma­tion on our range of home anti-aging treat­ments, please visit our website.

Hair Removal for Your Face

Excess facial hair on women is incred­i­bly com­mon, yet it remains a taboo sub­ject. Hor­monal imbal­ances can be a cause of this and so can hav­ing a genetic pre-disposition for facial hair. It can affect a woman’s self-confidence and often make her feel un-feminine. Many resort to quick-fix hair removal meth­ods, but these don’t have long-lasting effects and can actu­ally make the prob­lem worse. Hair removal creams, shav­ing and pluck­ing can cause the hairs to grow back thick and coarse, as well as dam­ag­ing the hair fol­li­cle which is likely to lead to ingrown hairs.
Shaving woman blog

What treat­ments are available?

Per­ma­nent facial hair reduc­tion meth­ods are avail­able but can be painful, expen­sive and time con­sum­ing. It does make sense to spend more money on a treat­ment that will give you per­ma­nent results, but be sure to research all of the options to find the right treat­ment for you.
Elec­trol­y­sis involves a fine ster­ile nee­dle being inserted into each hair fol­li­cle to give the hairs an elec­tric shock which kills the fol­li­cle. Hairs then can­not grow back, how­ever it is worth not­ing that if a new hair is grow­ing under­neath the one that has been shocked, it will still grow through. This means that as many as twelve ses­sions can be required, and at £20 for a fif­teen minute ses­sion (which will only cover a small area like the top lip) elec­trol­y­sis can be expensive.
Laser hair removal involves a strong laser tar­get­ing the hair growth and destroy­ing the fol­li­cle, pre­vent­ing hair from re-growing. Laser treat­ment can be costly as a course of six treat­ments is usu­ally required. Lasers work best on peo­ple with dark hair and pale skin because they tar­get the pig­ment in the hair. This treat­ment is there­fore not suit­able for dark skin or peo­ple with pale facial hair.
Intense Pulsed Light is sim­i­lar to laser treat­ment, but uses var­i­ous light wave­lengths, and lamps are big­ger allow­ing a much larger area to be treated at any one time. IPL is said to be less painful and less time con­sum­ing than laser treat­ments, as well as being one of the cheaper per­ma­nent hair reduc­tion meth­ods avail­able. Home hair removal sys­tems are avail­able mean­ing you can treat your­self in pri­vacy, when­ever you need to (usu­ally five or six ses­sions are required with an annual ‘top-up’ ses­sion) with­out embar­rass­ment or discomfort.
To learn more about hair removal for your face please visit our website.

How often can I have IPL hair removal treatment?

What is IPL hair removal?

IPL hair removal pre­vents hair re-growth by destroy­ing the hair fol­li­cle. Unlike the alter­na­tive meth­ods of remov­ing hair, this treat­ment has long last­ing effects and tack­les the prob­lem effec­tively. If you use hair removal creams, wax or razors you are more likely to suf­fer from ingrown hairs and they can often lead to thicker, more vis­i­ble hair growth which can actu­ally make the prob­lem worse.

Why should you try it?

In today’s media, the image of hair­less men and women like Brad Pitt and Jen­nifer Lawrence is being pro­moted and con­sid­ered a desir­able look. Even though excess hair is com­mon amongst both men and women, the peer pres­sure can often dam­age your self-confidence. With our IPL hair removal treat­ment you can safely and effec­tively tackle the prob­lem in the pri­vacy of your own home which is both con­ve­nient and cost effective.

How often should you have the treatment?

Before start­ing the treat­ment, you need to con­sider your pre­vi­ous method of hair removal in the past as it can pre­vent this treat­ment from work­ing properly:
-          Waxed, tweezed or threaded: wait 3 weeks before start­ing treatment.
-          Hair removal or depila­tory cream: wait 1 week before start­ing treatment.
-          Shav­ing: you can start treat­ment right away
As hair grows in cycles, we rec­om­mend a spe­cific removal rou­tine so you can tar­get as many of the fol­li­cles as pos­si­ble. Within the first 3 months we sug­gest you treat the area every 2 weeks. After the first 3 months you should only use the treat­ment once a month until your last treatment.

Hair growth cycle chart

Removing Body Hair: The Benefits for Cyclists

From Olympic ath­letes to ama­teurs there is a plethora of sports­men and women who remove body hair to enhance their per­for­mance. Cycling, swim­ming and div­ing are a few sports that use hair removal to cut down on wind and water resistance.
IPL Hair Removal for cyclists blog pic

The Ben­e­fits


When com­pet­ing, any slight advan­tage you can get over your oppo­nent could help you place. The removal of body hair can shave frac­tions of a sec­ond off your time. This may not help you win a road cycling event but can be ben­e­fi­cial when track racing.


The hydro­cyanic ben­e­fits could also cut time for triath­letes as there is less drag or resis­tance when swim­ming. This method is widely used by high level ath­letes from  Michael Phelps to Alessan­dro Fabian.

Wound Heal­ing

Abra­sions and road rash are very com­mon for cyclists who reg­u­larly com­pete or train. Falling of a bike at speed usu­ally means you will slide on impact. The fric­tion cre­ated rubs away lay­ers of your skin. These abra­sions are usu­ally referred to as road rash.
Many claim that remov­ing leg hair up to the short line actu­ally helps in recov­er­ing from road rash. Smooth skin reduces dam­age as hair can­not rip dur­ing impact cre­at­ing less tear­ing of the skin. It also makes it eas­ier to keep the area clean dur­ing the recov­ery process.

Apply­ing oils

In var­i­ous sports ath­letes use dif­fer­ent oils and oint­ments that they mas­sage into dif­fer­ent mus­cle groups. This helps to ease an exist­ing injury or sim­ply pre­vents new ones. Defor­est­ing  areas of the body can help with the appli­ca­tion of heat creams like Men­tho­la­tum and mois­turises to keep the skin supple.
Lasered, shaved, or waxed skin also means you do not gummed hair after apply­ing creams and oils making it eas­ier to wear tight fit­ting clothes.

Hair removal options


Using a razor is a com­mon method peo­ple use to remove hair. This is the quick­est way to remove large amounts of hair. A prob­lem with shav­ing with razors is that the blade becomes dull mid shave leav­ing an irri­tant rash.


Wax­ing is an excel­lent way to remove hair but it is noto­ri­ously painful and can be expen­sive to maintain.

Depila­tory cream

Depila­tory cream can cover large areas of skin quickly mak­ing it a pop­u­lar choice for peo­ple who find it hard to defor­est areas of the body that is hard to reach.

IPL Hair Removal

I hair removal is a fast and effec­tive way of remov­ing unwanted hair for long peri­ods of time or even permanently.