Monday 20 August 2018

Is IPL Hair Removal System Harmful to Skin?

The premonitions people hold are quite understandable.
After all, the bitter experiences with different devices aren’t much to fathom.
In fact, people may even quit looking for solutions after their experiences.
However, casting a shadow on all such innovative devices from beauty companies would be inappropriate. In some cases, it was discovered that people didn’t follow the instructions while using the hair removal devices. Also, a few cases suggested that candidates experienced some discomfort when they applied the hair removal devices.
Evidently, it’s not the trivialization of the issue in hand, but the revelation of the facts, the same facts that matter to a customer, who precisely looks for an ideal device.
VISS Beauty has produced a variety of at-home beauty devices that are not only popular but effective to the core. Now, if you buy a professional IPL hair removal system from the brand, you can witness the changes in your body, following the instruction manual properly.
VISS brings an innovative hair removal solution in the device with a new technology in the “VISS IPL Lamp” that helps in removing hair without causing any potential discomfort. The cartridge-based system has a doubled lifespan as compared to the older devices.
Precisely, on applying the system, the large treatment area gets rid of the hair quickly. Comparatively, the other home IPL products have been quite a disappointment for the users.
At VISS Beauty online shop, you can explore a variety of home-based beauty devices, which includes the radio frequency facial machine, IPL hair removal system, anti-wrinkle device and more.

Breaking Out? How Intense Pulsed Light Treatments Can Help Your Complexion

Strug­gling with acne and break­outs is a sig­nif­i­cant beauty con­cern for many peo­ple. Unlike some other beauty issues, acne is often hard to hide and can be extremely hard to get rid of; some­times peo­ple suf­fer for years or even decades. Many rec­om­men­da­tions are made to peo­ple with acne, and often­times these rec­om­men­da­tions con­flict. Suf­fer­ers will be told to wash their face with plain soap, or to use pre­scrip­tion soap; to use a par­tic­u­lar cream, or not to use a par­tic­u­lar cream. Some­times heavy med­ica­tion will be admin­is­tered to some­one with acne, but med­ica­tion that can cause other seri­ous side effects and won’t nec­es­sar­ily get rid of it.
IPL for complexion blog pic
There is, how­ever, one treat­ment that has shown promis­ing results, has very few side effects, and can offer new hope to acne suf­fer­ers. The answer is the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) acne treatment.

Three Light Approach

Intense Pulsed Light is an effec­tive method to curb acne because it does sev­eral things for the skin at once. Firstly, the sys­tem actu­ally releases three dif­fer­ent kinds of light dur­ing the treat­ment. The yel­low and green lights that are released dur­ing an Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment serve to kill bac­te­ria on the skin. The bac­te­ria on the skin are a huge rea­son for acne for many peo­ple, so by tar­get­ing these bac­te­ria, acne is less likely to thrive on the face.
After the bac­te­ria are killed, the red light in the sequence tar­gets the seba­ceous glands in the skin that, when over­ac­tive, cause break­outs. As these glands shrink, the pus­tules that they are con­nected to clear. This can be noticed by an over­all improve­ment in the skin of the per­son affected with acne.

Safe and Straightforward

The Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment is proven to be a safe method to erad­i­cate acne and help the skin heal from acne break­outs. Because no hor­mones or antibi­otics are ingested, it is a safe method of fight­ing acne. Many have turned to Intense Pulsed Light ther­apy as a com­fort­able and healthy way to fight acne. By using the Intense Pulsed Light method, acne suf­fer­ers no longer have to debate which soap to use, or have to ques­tion whether a cer­tain cream is work­ing or not. They can rest easy know­ing that as they con­tinue with IPL treat­ments, they will be able to notice a dif­fer­ence in their acne.
Though the fight against acne can often seem hope­less at times, it is impor­tant to remem­ber that it cer­tainly is not a lost cause. Many new tech­nolo­gies, such as Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment, rep­re­sent effec­tive and fairly low risk ways to over­come acne. These new tech­nolo­gies, while not avail­able thirty or forty years ago, are rather com­mon­place now and are ver­i­fied and effec­tive ways to achieve clear skin. If you are suf­fer­ing with acne, there is no need for you to con­tinue on that path. It is pos­si­ble to over­come nasty break­outs and patches of acne through con­sis­tently try­ing meth­ods until you find the one that works per­fect for your skin.

VISS RF - Anti aging device review by Deanna Rashell

Anti Wrinkle Device – The Rise of Anti-aging Home-based Anti-aging Treatments


Anti Wrinkle Device – The Rise of Anti-aging Home-based Anti-aging Treatments

Yes, that’s true.
With the advent of technology, the innovations of anti-aging therapies and treatments have advanced and people are in love with them.
As a matter of fact, people have reduced their visits to the dermatologists for their advice or treatments due to the expensive charges and invasive procedures.
At this point of time, seeking a galvanic facial device online is no big deal. And why not! It helps the home-based treatment; it is simple to operate and doesn’t cost much.
Discussions about the effectiveness of these devices
A few have challenged the effectiveness of the skin tightening and anti wrinkle device, which is quite evident due to misinformation.
When people start aging, the collagen production slows down and the skin isn’t as healthy as it used to be. The machines invigorate those elements that are necessary for improving the skin health.
The anti wrinkle device helps in penetrating the serum or cream to the dermis using ion microcurrents, which in turn, moisturizes the skin and eliminates the dullness prevailing in the skin. Basically, a machine with a strong vibration function enables a deep massage, which further helps in penetration of beauty cream/serum products through the skin.
It’s not a one-day affair, so one mustn’t expect it to do wonders in a day. After all, the biological processes take time for improvement.
For buying these products, the customers should search top-ranking online websites. Websites like offer a phenomenal range of RF skin tightening and beauty products online at discounted rates.

Getting Rid of Pain: How Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal Is More Comfortable

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments can take the pain out of hair removal. While this is great, they can also offer per­ma­nent results, and they can be the solu­tion for peo­ple who are look­ing for a com­fort­able and eco­nom­i­cal way to remove their hair from home.
Getting rid of pain with IPL blog pic

It’s Done in a Com­fort­able Home Environment

For a lot of peo­ple, going to a salon to have their bikini-line hair removed is not the most com­fort­able expe­ri­ence. Firstly, there is the need for a per­son to leave home and make the com­mute to the appoint­ment: rain or shine, traf­fic or not. Addi­tion­ally, the hair removal expe­ri­ence itself can be daunt­ing: sit­ting or lying in an uncom­fort­able posi­tion while a stranger removes unwanted hair from some of the most pri­vate and sen­si­tive areas of the body? No, thank you!
To top it off, this is an expe­ri­ence that peo­ple pay big bucks to receive. Intense Pulsed Light, on the other hand, is designed to be accom­plished in the com­forts of a home envi­ron­ment. Strangers need not attend this party. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treat­ments can be done on the sofa, on the bed, or in any room in the house, (but it’s not a good idea to do it in the shower, of course). The com­fort level can there­fore be con­trolled by the indi­vid­ual, and no per­sonal bound­aries need to be crossed.

There Are No Wax Strips to Rip Off and No Shav­ing Cuts to Endure

Wax­ing can be accom­plished at home or at a salon, but the same thing is true in both sit­u­a­tions — it’s uncom­fort­able to have hair ripped out of sen­si­tive skin. Peo­ple tend to become accus­tomed to the painful pro­ce­dure of wax­ing at some time or another, although pain is not some­thing peo­ple need to go through any longer with the avail­abil­ity of at-home Intense Pulsed Light treatments.
Shav­ing can also be dam­ag­ing to the skin’s appear­ance because of the poten­tial of nicks, cuts, and long-lasting scars from shav­ing gone wrong. Even pro­fes­sional bar­bers can slip up when they’re shav­ing, and it’s no fun when that hap­pens. With Intense Pulsed Light, peo­ple no longer need to be con­cerned with the thought of nick­ing or acci­den­tally cut­ting the skin wide open.

Pock­et­book Pain: The Expen­di­ture Might not be Worth it

It’s expen­sive to go to the salon for hair removal. The cost of com­mut­ing, the cost of the pro­ce­dure, and the cost of the gra­tu­ities can really add up. Wax­ing and shav­ing at home saves a per­son some money ini­tially, but the cost of razors, replace­ment car­tridges, shav­ing creams, wax strips, and after­shave sup­plies tal­lies up to be a for­tune in the long run. With Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments at home, the hair removal is per­ma­nent. There is the ini­tial cost of pur­chas­ing a high qual­ity at-home machine, and then that’s it. There is no need to con­tin­u­ally add “shav­ing cream” to a shop­ping list or con­stantly be run­ning out of the home for new razors.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are designed to be more com­fort­able than the tra­di­tional modes of hair removal, and they’re meant to be pain­less. Weigh out the costs to see that the per­ma­nent results offered by IPL treat­ments are well worth the ini­tial cost.

Radio Frequency For Skin – Isn’t It For Radio?

It is, but it can be used for much beyond than that.
Yes, the radio frequency treatment just got popular among women due to several reasons.
First, it’s a non-surgical treatment, which means it carries less risk.
Second, it’s not painful.
Coming on to understand the technical part, you can know that the radio frequencies work on the skin’s primary layers and the wavelength helps in skin tightening. Unlike the invasive techniques, the RF skin tightening machine doesn’t burn the outer skin layer nor does any damage to it. It only improves the skin, so that it accepts key elements for its nourishment, which was slowed down earlier due to aging.

Those who think that the radio frequencies can tighten the skin in a day or a couple of days – Remember, it’s not a quick-fix solution and would take considerable time. Not just that, you will also require a reliable machine for that.
To be honest, some people haven’t been that “honest” while selling the radio frequency facial machine to the public. Quite the same can happen to you, if you’re not cautious while buying this equipment. Never trust advertisements unless they have something extraordinary to tell.
Do your research about radio frequency devices because there are many available for different kinds of treatments. Shopping online has maximum advantages for you. Once you see the top results in the Google, just stop by at every website to check their product specifications, details and verify other checkpoints like terms and conditions, policies, etc. Discounts are also available online!

Saving Money: How Home Hair Removal Can Help Avoid Costly Salons

Salon ser­vices such as wax­ing and other forms of hair removal are expen­sive, and they don’t nec­es­sar­ily ensure long-lasting or per­ma­nent results. There is more to con­sider than just the cost of a sin­gle salon visit when con­tem­plat­ing the cost-effectiveness of pur­chas­ing an Intense Pulsed Light machine. The small costs of going to a salon add up, and below is an inves­ti­ga­tion into how some­one can truly save money by using Intense Pulsed Light machines for their home hair removal.
Saving money with viss IPL blog pic

Intense Pulsed Light Offers Per­ma­nent Results

Avoid costly upkeep of unwanted hair by using the Intense Pulsed Light machine at home. The results found with a per­sonal machine are of equal and some­times bet­ter qual­ity than that of a salon. This is because Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment effec­tively dis­ables new hair growth, whereas wax­ing and shav­ing (even if done pro­fes­sion­ally) will still allow the hair to grow back. In addi­tion, with hav­ing a machine at home, there is less of a chance that a hair-removal appoint­ment will be missed.
Peo­ple can save thou­sands upon thou­sands of dol­lars, over time, by choos­ing to skip the salon. Peo­ple pay for things like wax­ing, which do not have last­ing results, and end up going back to the salon within days of their first appoint­ment. By using at-home tech­nolo­gies like Intense Pulsed Light machines, money and time can be saved for other things. At-home Intense Pulsed Light machines are designed to be safe to use at home, but they are made to do the job of larger and more expen­sive machines, which are some­times used in clin­i­cal set­tings and spas.

It Can All Add Up

Going to a salon can cost more than expected. Clients not only pay for the ser­vices, they also pay for com­mut­ing costs, food and bev­er­ages while away from the home, and gra­tu­itous tips to the salon pro­fes­sional. When con­sid­er­ing all of the expenses and extra costs asso­ci­ated with going a spa, it only makes sense to get the job done at home, and for less money and for a more pri­vate expe­ri­ence. What about creams and mois­tur­iz­ers, essen­tial oils and wax­ing strips? All of these things have a price to them, and the results don’t always add up to the costs.

Intense Pulsed Light Lamps Last a Long Time

Intense Pulsed Light lamps have a long-lasting lifes­pan; the lamps offer an esti­mated 4000 flashes. 4000 flashes can make it pos­si­ble to remove hair from the entire body before need­ing a replace­ment lamp. That’s a lot of flashes! Com­pare the cost of a replace­ment lamp to the costs asso­ci­ated with head­ing to the salon every month or more, and it will be obvi­ous to see how much cheaper it would be to have an Intense Pulsed Light machine avail­able for at-home use.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are not for every­one, but they are suit­able for many skin types. For some­one look­ing to save money on their hair removal, and for some­one who wants per­ma­nent results, the light tech­nol­ogy is worth the dis­cov­ery process.