Monday 20 August 2018

Saving Money: How Home Hair Removal Can Help Avoid Costly Salons

Salon ser­vices such as wax­ing and other forms of hair removal are expen­sive, and they don’t nec­es­sar­ily ensure long-lasting or per­ma­nent results. There is more to con­sider than just the cost of a sin­gle salon visit when con­tem­plat­ing the cost-effectiveness of pur­chas­ing an Intense Pulsed Light machine. The small costs of going to a salon add up, and below is an inves­ti­ga­tion into how some­one can truly save money by using Intense Pulsed Light machines for their home hair removal.
Saving money with viss IPL blog pic

Intense Pulsed Light Offers Per­ma­nent Results

Avoid costly upkeep of unwanted hair by using the Intense Pulsed Light machine at home. The results found with a per­sonal machine are of equal and some­times bet­ter qual­ity than that of a salon. This is because Intense Pulsed Light treat­ment effec­tively dis­ables new hair growth, whereas wax­ing and shav­ing (even if done pro­fes­sion­ally) will still allow the hair to grow back. In addi­tion, with hav­ing a machine at home, there is less of a chance that a hair-removal appoint­ment will be missed.
Peo­ple can save thou­sands upon thou­sands of dol­lars, over time, by choos­ing to skip the salon. Peo­ple pay for things like wax­ing, which do not have last­ing results, and end up going back to the salon within days of their first appoint­ment. By using at-home tech­nolo­gies like Intense Pulsed Light machines, money and time can be saved for other things. At-home Intense Pulsed Light machines are designed to be safe to use at home, but they are made to do the job of larger and more expen­sive machines, which are some­times used in clin­i­cal set­tings and spas.

It Can All Add Up

Going to a salon can cost more than expected. Clients not only pay for the ser­vices, they also pay for com­mut­ing costs, food and bev­er­ages while away from the home, and gra­tu­itous tips to the salon pro­fes­sional. When con­sid­er­ing all of the expenses and extra costs asso­ci­ated with going a spa, it only makes sense to get the job done at home, and for less money and for a more pri­vate expe­ri­ence. What about creams and mois­tur­iz­ers, essen­tial oils and wax­ing strips? All of these things have a price to them, and the results don’t always add up to the costs.

Intense Pulsed Light Lamps Last a Long Time

Intense Pulsed Light lamps have a long-lasting lifes­pan; the lamps offer an esti­mated 4000 flashes. 4000 flashes can make it pos­si­ble to remove hair from the entire body before need­ing a replace­ment lamp. That’s a lot of flashes! Com­pare the cost of a replace­ment lamp to the costs asso­ci­ated with head­ing to the salon every month or more, and it will be obvi­ous to see how much cheaper it would be to have an Intense Pulsed Light machine avail­able for at-home use.
Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are not for every­one, but they are suit­able for many skin types. For some­one look­ing to save money on their hair removal, and for some­one who wants per­ma­nent results, the light tech­nol­ogy is worth the dis­cov­ery process.

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