Sunday, 6 September 2015

Top 11 things you need to know about RF skin tightening

Face Massager Machine -

Radio frequency skin care has become one of most sought-after treatments for skin tightening. But there are lots of queries and wrong conceptions or vague notions about this procedure. It is important to know more about it so that you can assess if it is most suited for you or not.
Here is a glance into the top things you got to know about the procedure:
1.      Non-incisive and non-surgical
 Though it can do wonders to your looks and turn the clock back by many years, it is a non-surgical and non-incisive process. In simple words, it means that there is no use of scalpel and no cut is made into your body to reach the inner tissues. It goes without saying that this piece of information will bring a lot of relief to those who nurture a phobia for incisive surgeries. It is also worth noting that due to the non-incisive nature of the procedure, there is no major risk or complication involved. The entire procedure is safe, painless and quick.

2.      Best for middle-aged people
You must note that RF tightening method is most appropriate for those who are in their middle ages. Ideally, a person who is in his or her 30s, 40s or 50s would get the best deal out of it in terms of improvement in looks. This is so because radio frequency method tends to correct moderate sagging of the skin. For the same reason, someone who is too old and carries an extreme form of wrinkled face cannot expect to acquire a fully wrinkle-free face using this technology. For people who are too old, this non-surgical method will only be partly effective.

3.      It works for all skin colors
 Some people may carry the wrong notion that the method is unsuitable for some skin colors. On the contrary, the benefits of RF skin tightening can be enjoyed by people of all colors and skin tones.

4.      It works on the principle of physics
Radio frequency method for skin rejuvenation works on the principle of physics. When electric current is passed and combats resistance from any portion of the body, the clash gives rise to heat energy which helps in coagulation or tightening of the tissue area under application. This is how the tissues beneath the upper layer of skin get tightened. Thus, one can say that the procedure does not work merely on the surface level but goes deep as it coagulates the layers of tissues underneath the epidermis.

5.      It does not affect the texture of the skin
 Again, contrary to certain views that this method of treatment tends to alter the skin’s texture, it does not provoke any such change. As explained above, the process of radio frequency uses current and heat to coagulate the underlying tissues of the dermis. Thereby, the skin becomes taut but there is no alteration in its texture.

6.      RF and IPL make for a popular couple
Radio frequency energy coupled with Intense Pulsed Light technology makes for an excellent way to treat the skin. The combination is a hugely sought-after one in today’s world as it guarantees a positive change in one’s look. Also, they are highly effective and give immediate results. Plus, the risks are next to none while the side effect, if any, is negligible. In a nutshell, it would be suffice to say that the combination spells safety and efficacy.

7.      It is multifunctional
It would be wrong to say that RF treats only the skin. It is true that it is the best skin tightening procedure one can ask for. It is almost delightfully effective every time and demands no risk or side effect. It does not pres you for time and is easy to perform without use of any scalpel or knife. Yet, one must know that it has more functions. Radio frequency technology works equally well to remove hair. So, those who opt for hair removal techniques often find that this technology gives them full riddance of the hair follicles with minimum risk and no incision or surgery.

8.      Areas where RF skin tightening works best:
It is meant chiefly for the crucial areas of the face and the neck. It is worked upon the forehead area to tighten the muscle and to keep the brow muscles in right order. It can also correct the sagging cheeks and is very effective in lifting the jawline. Neck is one of those areas that are most susceptible to the depredations of time. Radio frequency skin tightening enables one to get rid of wrinkles and loose skin on the neck. However, someone who is too old may not benefit so much as someone who is relatively young and has suffered moderate amount of sagging or loosening.

9.      Best to avoid pre-menstrual and post-menstrual week
Some women find it a tad tough to bear extra heat energy on their skin a week before their menstruation cycle or a week after it. It is said that their skin is a bit less tolerant towards the days leading up to the monthly cycle or the days immediately following it. Though this is not a major factor and is only applicable to women with extra-sensitive skin, this is a point to keep in mind, nevertheless.

10.  Repeat sessions may be needed:
Some people may not need a second session at all, if the magnitude of sagging or loosening in their case is very minor. In other cases, 2-3 sessions should suffice. Depending on your age and other factors like skin’s thickness, it has to be taken into account. What is vital to note is that it can be performed without any external help from your home only by using available products.

11.  It has an alternative
If you are a bit too much on the younger side, you may not opt RF at all. It will always be good to consider the simpler and handier methods first. A facial massage machine can give your face some workout lessons and tighten the muscle somewhat, though RF will be quicker and instantaneous.

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